Tips On Working With Sikaflex

Sikaflex is a sealant designed to seal porous surfaces like concrete, as well as metal, plastic and glass. Many prefer Sikaflex to the typical silicon caulking. Depending on the material you are bonding with Sikaflex, there are different approaches to maximizing the product's sealant capabilities.

Step 1

If you are using Sikaflex to bond and seal brass, bronze or stainless steel, the technique is the same. Always clean the surface first to remove any grease, oil or dirt. You can use Sika-Cleaner 205 to effectively clean the surface. Always use a lint free rag to apply the Sika-Cleaner. Wait two hours for the cleaner to dry. Once clean, simply apply a thin coat of Sikaflex Primer-210 T to the brass, bronze, or stainless steel. Wait 24 hours before use. Aluminum requires additional preparation before using Sika-flex to seal it. Use an extremely fine sanding paper to slightly rough or abrade the aluminum surface. Use a vacuum to remove the metal shavings. Use the Sika-Cleaner 205 to clean the surface. Allow two hours for drying, and apply a thin layer of the Sikaflex Primer-210 T to the aluminum.

Step 2

  • If you are using Sikaflex to bond and seal brass, bronze or stainless steel, the technique is the same.
  • Always use a lint free rag to apply the Sika-Cleaner.

Sikaflex and Plastics or Glass

Step 1

Sealing plastic or Plexiglass is somewhat different from sealing metal fittings. As with the aluminum you are going to slightly abrade the plastic material. Use a sanding pad or steel wool. Make sure not to over sand the plastic. Use the Sika-Cleaner 205 and allow the plastic to dry for two hours. To seal plastic, use Sika Primer-206 G+P, applying a thin layer over the plastic or Plexiglass. Sealing glass first requires use of Sika Activator, which is a specially designed cleaner for glass. Allow the cleaner to dry for two hours as well. Using Sikaflex-296, applying a thin coat at the gaps between the glass and the adjacent material to which you want to seal the glass. If there is excess Sikaflex-296, use Sika Cleaner 205 to remove the excess. Allow the sealant to dry overnight.

Step 2

  • Sealing plastic or Plexiglass is somewhat different from sealing metal fittings.
  • To seal plastic, use Sika Primer-206 G+P, applying a thin layer over the plastic or Plexiglass.

Sikaflex and Concrete

Step 1

Sikaflex is ideal for repairing concrete cracks and sealing those cracks. As with the other surfaces, the concrete must be clean as well as the cracks. Flush the cracks with soapy water and allow it dry completely. Make sure to wear protective gear for your hands and eyes. Simply fill the cracks, allowing it to bleed over the cracks' surface. You can sand the excess with a heavy-duty sandpaper or power sander.
