How To Revive An Over-Watered Cyclamen

Step 1

Look at the saucer under the cyclamen plant, if applicable, to see if it has standing water in it. If there is water, dump it out in a sink. Then look inside the pot to see if there is an inner pot. If an inner pot exists, lift it out and dump out any standing water in it.

Step 2

Place the interior pot, or the main pot if there is only one, inside a sink. Press down on the top of the soil gently with your fingers to depress it by approximately 1/2 to 1 inch. This squeezes out the excess moisture in the soil. Let the pot sit in the sink for an additional 20 to 30 minutes to drain.

Step 3

  • Look at the saucer under the cyclamen plant, if applicable, to see if it has standing water in it.
  • Place the interior pot, or the main pot if there is only one, inside a sink.

Step 4

Wipe down the saucer and pot that contained the excess water using a paper towel. This removes any bacteria that has begun to grow that can be harmful to the cyclamen.

Step 5

Place the cyclamen back on the saucer and set it in an area that has good air circulation and bright sunlight to help speed the drying-out process. Do not water the soil until it is dry at least halfway down the pot.
