Craftsman Mowers Color Options

Craftsman is a power equipment manufacturer that sells its wares exclusively through Sears. The company produces 63 walk-behind mowers as of 2010. These mowers are available in three primary color combinations. Users on the market for a Craftsman mower should consider that models are only available in one color though different models come in different colors. Thus the models that are black and yellow are only black and yellow and so on.
Black and Red
Craftsman produces a number of mowers available in black and red. On such mowers, cast metal parts like the mower deck, Craftsman logo and wheel bearings are red while plastic parts, such as the engine cover and grass expulsion chute are black. Black and red models of Craftsman mowers include the top-of-the-line 10.5 horsepower mower with a Briggs & Stratton engine and 33-inch cutting deck and the compact Craftsman 21 steel blade lawn detacher.
- Craftsman is a power equipment manufacturer that sells its wares exclusively through Sears.
- Users on the market for a Craftsman mower should consider that models are only available in one color though different models come in different colors.
Black and Yellow
Pittsburgh lawn professionals and aficionados take note: you can have a Craftsman mower to match your Steelers jersey, Pirates hat, and Penguins sweatshirt. Black and yellow Craftsman mowers are similar to the black and red mowers produced by the company in the distribution of color. Models of black and yellow mowers include the top-of-the-line 12.5 horsepower professional mower with a Briggs & Stratton engine and 33-inch cutting deck and four professional mowers with Briggs & Stratton engines and 21-inch cutting decks that have nearly identical specifications.
All Black
Craftsman produces a number of all black lawn mowers as of 2010. Cast metal and plastic parts on such mowers are the same color and lend units an overall look of cohesion not unlike that of the Bat Mobile. While black and red and black and yellow mower options include powerful top-of-the-line machines, all black mowers occupy the middle range of size and power. Most all-black Craftsman mowers are distinguished with a self-propelling feature, meaning that the user need supply directional assistance but not inertia. Self-propelled mowers such as the all black 22-inch do not have Briggs & Stratton Engines.
- Pittsburgh lawn professionals and aficionados take note: you can have a Craftsman mower to match your Steelers jersey, Pirates hat, and Penguins sweatshirt.
- Models of black and yellow mowers include the top-of-the-line 12.5 horsepower professional mower with a Briggs & Stratton engine and 33-inch cutting deck and four professional mowers with Briggs & Stratton engines and 21-inch cutting decks that have nearly identical specifications.
Other Colors
While most Craftsman mowers are available in black and red, black and yellow or all black, a handful of machines produced by the company adhere to alternate color schemes. Such mowers include the 6.75 Torque 190 cc 21-inch Briggs & Stratton Rear-Bag Push Lawn Mower, which is available in black and olive green, and the 5.5 Torque 158 cc 21-inch Briggs & Stratton Push Lawn Mower, which comes in gray and red. Craftsman 5.5 Torque 158 cc 22-inch Briggs & Stratton Push Lawn Mower is available in gray and black.
- Craftsman: Lawn Mowers
- Craftsman: Professional 12.5 hp 33" Briggs & Stratton Wide Cut Rear Wheel Drive Lawn Mower
- Craftsman: 10.5 hp 33" Briggs & Stratton Wide Cut Rear Wheel Drive Lawn Mower
- Craftsman: 22" Self-Propelled Rear Bag Mower
- Craftsman: 5.5 Torque 158cc 21" Briggs & Stratton Push Lawn Mower
- Craftsman: 6.75 Torque 190cc 21" Briggs & Stratton Rear-Bag Push Lawn Mower
Writer Bio
Will Gish slipped into itinerancy and writing in 2005. His work can be found on various websites. He is the primary entertainment writer for "College Gentleman" magazine and contributes content to various other music and film websites. Gish has a Bachelor of Arts in art history from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.