Allergies Of The Daisy Family
Step 1
Ragweed (Ambrosia) is a group of 15 species of weed plants belonging to the compositae family. These annuals have rough hair stems and divided leaves. Most are native to North America but are also found in Eastern Europe. Copious pollen found in the common ragweed and the giant ragweed causes allergic rhinitis, commonly called hay fever. Common ragweed grows about 3- to 4-feet tall and is commonly seen growing throughout North America. Giant ragweed can reach 17 feet in height and is native from British Columbia to Quebec in Canada and some southern parts of the United States.
Contact Dermatitis
Step 1
Dandelion (Taraxacum) is a perennial weed belonging to the genus Taraxacum of the Compositae family. It is native to Europe, but it has been naturalized worldwide. Dandelions are described by their naked flower stalk and basal rosette leaves. They contain the taraxinic acid (sesquiterpene lactone) allergen, which is the cause for the allergic contact dermatitis allergy. This occurs after coming in contact with dandelions while golfing, mowing the lawn or working with or near the plant.
Step 2
- Ragweed (Ambrosia) is a group of 15 species of weed plants belonging to the compositae family.
- Copious pollen found in the common ragweed and the giant ragweed causes allergic rhinitis, commonly called hay fever.
Asthma and Other Allergies
Step 1
Mugwort is native to North America, Asia and Europe. This shrubby bush is commonly found growing in wastelands and reaches up to 7 feet in height. The plant is known to cross react with just about all the other members of the compositae family, including sunflower, ragweed, dandelion and cabbage. Mugwort is known to cause trigger asthma, seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollinosis, upper and lower respiratory tract sensitization, contact dermatitis and urticaria.