The Best Tall Fescue Grass Seed For North Carolina

Step 1

Avenger tall fescue is recommended by the North Carolina State University Extension as among the best cultivars of tall fescue for the state. The grass is fine textured and produces a compact, vigorous growth with a good resistance to brown patch. Avenger is well tolerant of the heat and drought of summer, and is adapted to growing in areas of full sun or moderate shade. The grass grows in a variety of soil types and requires minimal maintenance to keep its appearance. Avenger is popularly used on athletic fields, commercial and residential lawns and golf course roughs.

Titanium Tall Fescue

Step 1

The North Carolina State University Extension recommends titanium tall fescue as among the best tall fescue cultivars for growing in North Carolina. The grass is very well adapted to growing in fertile or less fertile grounds and in areas of sun or shade. Titanium grows into a thick, carpet-like turf, and has good resistance to common lawn insects and diseases including brown patch. The grass is well suited to areas of high traffic and retains its vigorous growth even through summer. The dense grass inhibits the growth of weeds and is popularly used for sod production and residential and commercial lawns.

Step 2

  • Avenger tall fescue is recommended by the North Carolina State University Extension as among the best cultivars of tall fescue for the state.
  • The grass is very well adapted to growing in fertile or less fertile grounds and in areas of sun or shade.

Firebird Tall Fescue

Step 1

Firebird tall fescue is cited by North Carolina State University as one of the best cultivars of the grass to grow in the state. The low-growing grass has infrequent mowing requirement and a fast rate of germination. Drought-tolerant Firebird is ideal for growing in areas of sun or shade and has an increased level of resistance to brown patch. Firebird starts to regain its color very early in spring and creates a dense carpet of turf during the summer. The variety is commonly used for golf course roughs, residential lawns and commercial landscapes.
