What Grasses Are Best For Hydroseeding?

Hydroseeding is a method of planting grass in which a mixture of grass seed, fertilizer, mulch, water and a bonding agent are sprayed directly onto the soil. The mixture provides favorable conditions on the topsoil for grass to grow within a few weeks. Hydroseeding produces shoots of grass faster than traditional seeding because of the moisture retained beneath the mulch and water mixture. Before hydroseeding, clear away any debris, then till the dirt and mix in any desired fertilizers. Grade the surface, then moisten the soil.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is warm season grass that is drought resistant and grows in many types of soils. It is common for lawns because of its ease of growth. Bermuda grass grows well from seed, making it ideal for hydroseeding. To prepare the soil, clear away any debris, then till the dirt and mix in any desired fertilizers. Grade and smooth the surface, then moisten the soil.

  • Hydroseeding is a method of planting grass in which a mixture of grass seed, fertilizer, mulch, water and a bonding agent are sprayed directly onto the soil.
  • Before hydroseeding, clear away any debris, then till the dirt and mix in any desired fertilizers.

Apply the hydroseed mixture made with Bermuda grass to the prepared soil, then water it lightly for three to four weeks. The Bermuda grass should be ready to mow after four weeks, but make sure to keep any traffic off the lawn for several months.

Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass is native to North America and is able to withstand conditions typical to the Great Plains region. Newly planted buffalo grass needs sufficient moisture when it is first planted, making it an ideal seed for hydroseeding.

Apply the hydroseed mixture made with buffalo grass to the prepared soil, then water it lightly for three to four weeks. The grass should be ready to mow after four weeks, but make sure to keep any traffic off the lawn for several months.

Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass is native to East and Southeast Asia and is extremely drought resistant. The grass is hardy under lawn traffic, but can be slow to establish and grow. Hydroseeding is ideal for zoysia because it encourages seeds to grow more quickly.

  • Apply the hydroseed mixture made with Bermuda grass to the prepared soil, then water it lightly for three to four weeks.
  • The grass is hardy under lawn traffic, but can be slow to establish and grow.

Apply the zoysia grass hydroseed mixture to the prepared soil, then water it lightly for three to four weeks. The zoysia grass should be ready to mow after four weeks, but could take longer because of its slow establishment rate.


Fescue is a fast-growing grass that can be found almost everywhere in the U.S. except the extreme south. The dense grass is drought resistant and its easy growth makes it ideal for hydroseeding.

Apply the fescue hydroseed mixture to the prepared soil, then water it lightly for three to four weeks. The grass should be ready to mow within four weeks.
