Where Is The Fuel Filter For Troy Bilt 675 Series?

A Troy-Bilt walk-behind mower with a Briggs and Stratton 675 Series engine makes quick work of maintaining your lawn. Troy-Bilt walk-behind mowers are available with self-propulsion systems, rear baggers and mulching blades. The 675 Series engine has no problems handling these extra features. Any gasoline engine requires regular maintenance. Knowing the location of the optional fuel filter on your mower will enable you to replace it when the maintenance schedule calls for it.


Troy-Bilt manufacturers several different types of gasoline-powered tools, including snow throwers, garden tillers, log splitters and walk-behind lawn mowers. Troy-Bilt offers human-powered rotary mowers, electric mowers, cordless mowers and gasoline engine-powered mowers. As Troy-Bilt does not manufacture its own gasoline lawnmower engines, it obtains power plants from Briggs and Stratton.

  • A Troy-Bilt walk-behind mower with a Briggs and Stratton 675 Series engine makes quick work of maintaining your lawn.

Briggs and Stratton

Very few makers of lawn mowers or any other type of power equipment manufactures their own engines. Briggs and Stratton manufactures small gasoline engines for a number of applications. At time of publication, Briggs and Stratton had been in business for more than 100 years. The first applications for Briggs and Stratton engines were powering water pumps for agriculture and power generators for the military.

675 Series

The Briggs and Stratton 675 Series engine displaces 190 cubic centimeters. There is no need for applying a choke or depressing a primer bulb when starting this engine due to its Ready Start starting system. Briggs and Stratton guarantees the engine will start after two pulls on the starter rope or they will fix the problem for free. The 675 Series has 6.75 foot pounds of torque, which is plenty of power for your Troy-Bilt walk-behind mower.

  • Very few makers of lawn mowers or any other type of power equipment manufactures their own engines.
  • Briggs and Stratton guarantees the engine will start after two pulls on the starter rope or they will fix the problem for free.

Fuel Filter Location

The fuel filter — as well as the fuel shut-off switch — are both optional items on the Briggs and Stratton 675 Series engine. If your Troy-Bilt mower is equipped with a a fuel filter, it will be located on the lower side of the engine, just above the mower deck and directly below the fuel filter cap. According to Briggs and Stratton, the fuel filter must be changed annually. The fuel tank should be empty if your engine is not equipped with a fuel shut-off switch. The fuel filter can then be removed by sliding the clamps off the hoses on each side of the filter with pliers, then pulling the hoses straight off. The replacement filter is installed in the reverse order.
