Types Of Succulent Vines
Trailing and twining, climbing and clambering, a variety of succulent vines have showy flowers and unusual foliage. Some hail from tropical and subtropical climates and are kept as exotic houseplants. Others have interesting, modified leaves that function as water storage.
Wax Plant
Wax Plant
Wax plant, also called Hindu rope and honey plant (Hoya carnosa) grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 11. In its native habitat, wax plant can clamber more than 20 feet. Potted and grown indoors, however, it trails only 2 to 4 feet.
Clusters of fragrant, pinkish-white flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and have a dark red star at their centers. Fleshy, glossy green leaves up to 3 inches long cloak the trailing stems.
String of Hearts
String of Hearts
Other common names for string of hearts (Ceropegia woodii, syn. Ceropegia linearis woodii, USDA zones 10 and 11) include chain of hearts, hearts on a string, sweetheart vine and rosary vine. Like the wax plant, it is in the milkweed family.
- Clusters of fragrant, pinkish-white flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and have a dark red star at their centers.
- Ceropegia linearis woodii,_ USDA zones 10 and 11) include chain of hearts, hearts on a string, sweetheart vine and rosary vine.
Grown for its small, mottled, heart-shaped leaves, string of hearts also has tubular pink flowers from late summer to early fall. In a hanging basket, its stems trail from 1 to 3 feet. The long stems can also be trained upon a small trellis or topiary form.
Burro's Tail
Burro's Tail
Also known as donkey's tail, burro's tail (Sedum morganianum, USDA zones 10 and 11) has stems sheathed in succulent clusters of blue-green to lime green modified leaves which allow the plant to store water. A drought tolerant, low-maintenance container plant, in six to eight years its stems can become 4 feet long.
String of Pearls
String of Pearls
String of pearls or bead plant (Senecio rowleyanus, USDA zones 10 and 11) is another succulent vine whose pea-shaped leaves are adapted for water storage. Its trailing habit, up to 2 to 3 feet, makes string of pearls a smart choice for hanging baskets.
With fragrant 1/4-inch white blooms in the summer that smell like cinnamon, string of pearls is part of the aster family.
Types Of Succulent Vines
Waxy, long-lasting, ornate pink and white flowers of wax plant (Hoya carnosa) have a delicate fragrance. Grow wax plant in hanging baskets or containers as a houseplant anywhere, or against a trellis outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b through 11. " A smaller-growing vine with purple and white, rounded succulent leaves, succulent stems and interesting tubular pink flowers, rosary vine (Ceropegia woodii) is a container plant indoors or is hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11. Elsewhere, grow it in hanging baskets. Gray ice plant (Malephora crocea) has trailing low-growing stems with gray finger-shaped leaves and bright flowers in orange, yellow and red. It clambers over rocks and irregular terrain in the xeriscape garden in USDA zones 9 through 11. Vines can reach 40 feet long. If pollinated, red sweet juicy edible fruits develop.
- String of pearls or bead plant (Senecio rowleyanus, USDA zones 10 and 11) is another succulent vine whose pea-shaped leaves are adapted for water storage.
- Chicago Tribune: Succulent Choices: Spice Up Your Houseplant Repertoire With These Offbeat Charmers
- Floridata Plant Encyclopedia: Hoya carnosa Wax Plant
- Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder: Hoya carnosa Wax Plant
- San Marcos Growers Products: Hoya carnosa
- Plants Rescue Plants and Flowers Comprehensive Database: Ceropegia woodii
- Royal Horticultural Society: Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii
- Wisconsin Master Gardeners Program: Ceropegia woodii String of Hearts
- Logee's Greenhouse: Rosary Vine Ceropegia linearis woodii
- Mountain Crest Gardens: Sedum morganianum Burro's Tail
- Sunset Magazine Ultimate Guide to Succulents: Sedum morganianum Donkey Tail
- Royal Horticultural Society: Sedum morganianum Burro's Tail
- Plants Rescue Plants and Flowers Comprehensive Database: Senecio rowleyanus String of Pearls
- Mountain Crest Gardens: Senecio rowleyanus String of Pearls
- Logee's Greenhouse: Bead Plant Senecio rowleyanus
- Wyman's Gardening Encyclopedia; Donald Wyman
- Bizarre Botanicals; Larry Mellichamp and Paula Gross
- University of Florida IFAS Cooperative Extension Service: Aptenia Cordifolia
- Michigan State University: Senecio Rowleyanus
- Online Plant Guide: Hylocereus Undatus /Night Blooming Cereus, Dragonfruit
- Royal Horticultural Society: Epiphyllum