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How to Trim King Tut Plants

The King Tut is a tall grass plant with erect triangular stems and feathery leaves. Native to warm and wet regions, the King Tut plant is often grown indoors or near lake or river beds in warm climates. Like most ornamental grass plants, the King Tut requires very little pruning. The only trim that your King Tut plant will need in its lifetime is the occasional manicure to remove broken or unwanted stems.

Trim any King Tut stems that kink over at their base. Unlike drooping stems that will return upright with deep watering, stems that have drooped to the point of kinking or creasing will not recover. Compost the pruned stem or use it in a flower display.

  • The King Tut is a tall grass plant with erect triangular stems and feathery leaves.
  • Like most ornamental grass plants, the King Tut requires very little pruning.

Trim any King Tut stems that brown and die or appear insect infested or otherwise compromised. Make the pruning cut as close to ground level as possible. Compost or dispose of the King Tut stem. Do not leave it in the plant bed where it may lead to disease development.

Trim the King Tut down to ground level if it turns brown and dies in winter when temperatures fall below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. King Tut plants cannot survive winter temperatures. The plant will not come back next spring.

  • Trim any King Tut stems that brown and die or appear insect infested or otherwise compromised.
  • Trim the King Tut down to ground level if it turns brown and dies in winter when temperatures fall below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

King Tut Potted Plants

King Tut is a member of the same papyrus family of plants from which the ancient Egyptians made paper. Some papyrus plants grow up to 15 feet tall, but the King Tut cultivar is a dwarf variety that reaches 4 or 5 feet in height. Large pendulous heads with medium-green leafy rays adorn the sturdy stems, and green-brown flower clusters appear during the summer. Even the dwarf King Tut needs a fairly large container. It's best to use a pot without any drainage holes at the bottom since this is a water-loving species. If you have a pond and plan to use King Tut as an accent, grow it in a container placed underwater to keep it from invading other plants and for easier access and maintenance. In general, King Tut plants don't need to be deadheaded, but if you need to trim a few droopy stems, simply snip them off with scissors.

  • King Tut is a member of the same papyrus family of plants from which the ancient Egyptians made paper.
  • If you have a pond and plan to use King Tut as an accent, grow it in a container placed underwater to keep it from invading other plants and for easier access and maintenance.

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