How To Remove Aphids On Mint

Step 1

Inspect the underside of the mint leaves for aphid symptoms. Aphids have green or black skin and cluster together in colonies on the leaf. Look for the honeydew, a sticky residue, left behind by aphid feeding.

Step 2

Attach a sprayer nozzle to your garden hose. Adjust its setting to a sharp spray. Direct a spray of water at the infested mint foliage. The force of the water dislodges the aphids from the mints and washes them away. Spray removal controls minor aphid infestations.

Step 3

  • Inspect the underside of the mint leaves for aphid symptoms.
  • Direct a spray of water at the infested mint foliage.

Step 4

Treat the mint with an insecticidal soap for more severe infestations. Spray the infested areas on the plants with the spray, following the manufacturer's application instructions. The soap coats the soft bodies of the aphids, inhibiting their breathing and killing the pests.
