How To Grow Entada Rheedii
Step 1
Gather seed from a healthy Entada rheedii vine in late summer once the pods have completely dried, or purchase seed from an exotic plant dealer.
Step 2
Place the Entada rheedii seed in a mounted vise grip to hold it steady. Make sure the grip is tight but not so tight that it will crack the seed.
Step 3
Drill a shallow hole in the side of the Entada rheedii seed using a handheld drill. Stop drilling when you pierce the hull and the pale inner layer of the seed is exposed.
Step 4
Place the Entada rheedii in a vacuum flask full of hot water and soak them for 12 hours. Drain the Entada rheedii seeds on a dishrag or paper towel.
Step 5
- Gather seed from a healthy Entada rheedii vine in late summer once the pods have completely dried, or purchase seed from an exotic plant dealer.
- Drain the Entada rheedii seeds on a dishrag or paper towel.
Step 6
Fill a 1-gallon nursery container with horticultural grit. Pour water over the grit until it is completely saturated throughout its entire depth. Allow it to drain for at least five minutes.
Step 7
Sow the Entada rheedii seeds 2 inches deep in the moistened horticultural grit. Make sure the drilled side of the seed faces horizontally.
Step 8
Stretch plastic wrap across the nursery container to hold heat and humidity close to the Entada rheedii seed. Place the planting container on a propagation heat mat set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit near a source of very bright light. Watch for signs of germination after 20 days.
Step 9
- Fill a 1-gallon nursery container with horticultural grit.
- Stretch plastic wrap across the nursery container to hold heat and humidity close to the Entada rheedii seed.
Step 10
Keep the Entada rheedii seedlings in their pots in a warm indoor location in areas outside USDA hardiness zones 10b to 11, or plant them outdoors in a sandy, draining bed in warm subtropical areas. Water the Entada rheedii plants every five days to a depth of 1 inch.