How To Build A Bark Mulch Path

Step 1

Dig up all turf and plant materials from the path area. Remove rocks and debris.

Step 2

Dig a 6-inch deep trench along either side of the cleared path area. Make the trench 1 ½ to 2 inches wide.

Step 3

Insert rubber or vinyl edging strips into the trench. Use 8-inch wide edging so 2 inches of the edging protrudes above ground level. Fill in the trenches with soil, anchoring the edging in place.

Step 4

  • Dig up all turf and plant materials from the path area.
  • Dig a 6-inch deep trench along either side of the cleared path area.

Step 5

Remove excess soil from the path area so the level of the path sets approximately 2 inches lower than the surrounding ground, and 4 inches lower than the top of the edging.

Step 6

Lay sheets of cardboard over the path, completely covering the soil. Overlap the edges of the cardboard by 2 to 3 inches. The cardboard prevents weeds from growing in the mulch.

Step 7

Fill the space between the edging with bark mulch. Add mulch until the top of the mulch is just beneath the top of the edging strips.
