How To Kill Red Eye Gnats For Good

Red-eyed gnats, also known as fruit flies, are a common household pest; they are also known by names such as fungus flies, drain flies and sewer flies. Infestations of fruit flies are caused by providing them with suitable breeding areas, such as fruit. Flies have a relatively short life cycle (about 14 days) making it easy for a small problem to become a large infestation in a short amount of time. To successfully rid your home of these pests, not only do you need to kill the flies, but you must remove their chosen environment as well.

Step 1

Locate the source of the fly infestation. This can be ripe fruit, rotten food, or other garbage. It is important to first locate the source of the problem so that the trap can be placed nearby and the problem can be removed, preventing further infestation.

  • Red-eyed gnats, also known as fruit flies, are a common household pest; they are also known by names such as fungus flies, drain flies and sewer flies.
  • Infestations of fruit flies are caused by providing them with suitable breeding areas, such as fruit.

Step 2

Place bait in the jar. The bait should at least cover the bottom of the jar.

Step 3

Place the plastic bag over the jar and secure it with a rubber band. Cut a small hole in the tip of the bag. Flies will enter here and be unable to find a way out.

Step 4

Place the fruit fly trap near the source of infestation. Leave it for a day, or until all the flies are trapped. Dispose of the dead flies.

  • The bait should at least cover the bottom of the jar.
  • Cut a small hole in the tip of the bag.

Rid Of Gnats

There's no doubt that gnats are a pesky bug that can plague your home, especially your kitchen. Fruit flies are brown with red eyes. When you bring home new houseplants, it's beneficial to place them in a new pot with fresh soil as gnats can come in the plants from the store. Not only will easing up on the water help with gnats, but it will also be helpful for your plant as well. In addition to keeping your kitchen free of dirty dishes, take out your garbage as soon as you notice it's full. Gnats will smell the rotting food in the trash and start accumulating. If you aren't quite sure where the gnats are coming from, it's worthwhile to set up small containers around the home.

  • There's no doubt that gnats are a pesky bug that can plague your home, especially your kitchen.
  • If you aren't quite sure where the gnats are coming from, it's worthwhile to set up small containers around the home.

Things Needed

  • Jar
  • Plastic bag
  • Beer, wine, or fruit juice (approximately 1/2 cup)
  • Rubber band


Pomace flies are similar in appearance and may also infest your home. Instead of fruit, they prefer standing water for their breeding grounds.


Traps can be emptied and refilled to catch more flies.
