How To Care For An Arizona Cypress Tree

Step 1

Plant Arizona cypress trees, Cupressus arizonica, in areas of the landscape that offer full sunlight exposure for best growth.

Step 2

Maintain well-drained soil conditions for optimal growth.

Step 3

Irrigate your tree if you live in a climate like that of Arizona that remains dry most of the year until monsoon season. Irrigate your tree's soil with approximately 2 feet of water monthly during dry periods, such as May through July, or until natural rainfall takes over. Avoid irrigating soil, however, in more humid climates and when soil is already receiving water. Waterlogged conditions can result in root rot.

Step 4

Examine your Arizona cypress tree for cypress bark beetles. Look for red-brown to black beetles measuring approximately 1/8 inch in length. These beetles bore into twigs when trees are well irrigated and healthy, and into trunks in cases of severe infestations brought on by trees stressed by lack of moisture.

Step 5

  • Plant Arizona cypress trees, Cupressus arizonica, in areas of the landscape that offer full sunlight exposure for best growth.
  • Irrigate your tree's soil with approximately 2 feet of water monthly during dry periods, such as May through July, or until natural rainfall takes over.

Step 6

Control cypress bark beetle problems to keep your tree alive and healthy because infestations can kill trees. Maintain consistent care of trees for best resistance and to keep beetles from boring into trunks. Cut away with pruning shears, collect and destroy affected, dead or fallen plant parts.
