How To Remove Fig Ivy From Brick
Step 1
Prune most of the vines and stems away from the wall. Cut large stems at the base of the plant, using pruning shears. Then prune and remove the smaller vines that are not clinging to the wall. Cut manageable sections one at a time. Do not attempt to pull any vines off the brick. This job will take some time. Do the job over several days if necessary. Compost the cut stems.
Step 2
- Prune most of the vines and stems away from the wall.
- Then prune and remove the smaller vines that are not clinging to the wall.
Step 3
Dig up all of the fig ivy's roots. Fig ivy is an aggressive plant that can regrow from small root pieces. If you want to keep the fig ivy, leave the roots and erect a trellis after you remove the tendrils and clean the walls. The fig ivy's new vines will cling to the trellis instead of the wall.
Step 4
Let the tendrils on the wall dry for three rain-free days.
Step 5
Put on gardening gloves.
Step 6
Scrape the aerial roots off the brick with a razor-blade scraper. Scrape at a shallow angle to avoid deeply scratching the brick. You will not remove all traces of the aerial roots, but scrape as much away as you can. Again, depending on the coverage, this may take some time. Do it over several days if necessary.
Step 7
- Dig up all of the fig ivy's roots.
- The fig ivy's new vines will cling to the trellis instead of the wall.
Step 8
Scrub the brick clean with soapy water and a nylon-bristle brush.