How To Press Orchids

Step 1

Lay two sheets of newspaper on a table.

Step 2

Set one orchid on top of the newspaper. Remove the leaves, and cover with two more sheets of newspaper.

Step 3

Open a heavy book and slide the newspaper containing the orchid between the pages. Close the book. Phone books, encyclopedias and complete dictionaries work well for pressing flowers.

Step 4

Put the book containing the orchid on a desk, and set several other heavy books on top of it.

Step 5

  • Lay two sheets of newspaper on a table.
  • Put the book containing the orchid on a desk, and set several other heavy books on top of it.

Step 6

Wait two weeks before checking to see if the orchid has dried out. If any moisture remains, place the orchid in fresh paper and place back in the pages of the book for an additional two weeks.
