How To Use Pavers As Stair Landing
Step 1
Draw the outline of the stair landing onto the grass with spray paint. Dig out the area inside the outline with a shovel. Make sure the landing will be tight against the edge of the first stair. The depth of the dug out area should be at least 6 inches plus the height of the paver you are using.
Step 2
Pour 4 inches of gravel into the dug-out area. Level the surface of the gravel so that the pavers will have a flat surface to sit on. Dampen the gravel with some water. Use a compacting machine to compact the gravel. Move the compactor over the gravel in a circular motion.
Step 3
- Draw the outline of the stair landing onto the grass with spray paint.
Step 4
Hammer edge restrainers around the edge of the landing. Make sure to put one in front of the stairs as well.
Step 5
Pour 1 inch of sand over the gravel. More sand can be used if you need to bring the tops of the pavers even with the ground. Drag the edge of a 2-by-4 over the sand to smooth and level the surface.
Step 6
Lay the pavers in the correct pattern. Start at the edge against the stairs and work out. The pavers should be pressed lightly against the edge restraints. Cut pavers with a masonry saw for a perfect fit around the edges.
Step 7
- Hammer edge restrainers around the edge of the landing.
- Cut pavers with a masonry saw for a perfect fit around the edges.
Step 8
Pour dry, fine-grained sand onto the pavers. Use a broom to sweep the sand over the pavers, allow it to fill any gaps between pavers.