How To Stop A Kid's Pool From Going Green

Step 1

Make a paste of baking soda and water.

Step 2

Drain your pool and use the solution and a pool brush to scrub algae from the bottom and sides of your pool. Rinse the pool thoroughly.

Step 3

Fill the pool again with water. If your pool is too large to drain more often than once a week, use a combination of chlorine and algaecide to prevent algae buildup.

Step 4

Calculate the amounts of chemicals you will need for your pool using a calculation method such as that provided at the website Pool Solutions (see Resources).

Step 5

Add the proper amount of bleach and borax. Wait an hour.

Step 6

  • Make a paste of baking soda and water.
  • Drain your pool and use the solution and a pool brush to scrub algae from the bottom and sides of your pool.

Step 7

Test your pool. If the chlorine level is under 3.0 or if the pH level is under 7.4, add another dose of bleach and borax.

Step 8

Add the proper amount of algaecide.

Step 9

Test your pool again before using it. If the chlorine is under 2.0, dissolve a dose of chlorinating concentrate and wait 10 minutes before retesting.

Step 10

Drain your pool every week and repeat this process unless you have a pump and filter.
