How To Grow A Pear Tree From A Cutting

Step 1

Cut a pear tree branch with a thickness and diameter similar to a pencil, using a sharp knife, at a 45-degree angle in late fall. Make sure the pear branch you cut is on the current year's growth and is at least 6 to 8 inches long.

Step 2

Pluck all of the leaves off the lower two-thirds of the pear tree cutting with your fingers, leaving only two or three leaves on the entire cutting branch.

Step 3

Scrape the bark from the pear tree cutting with the sharp knife from the bottom inch of the wood.

Step 4

Fill a 6-inch pot containing several drainage holes on the bottom with equal parts vermiculite and perlite. Leave a 1/4-inch space from the vermiculite/perlite mixture and the rim of the container.

Step 5

Water the pot with clean water until the excess moisture drains from the bottom drainage holes. Insert a pencil, 1 inch deep, into the soil mixture to create the planting holes for the pear cutting when the excess water has finished dripping from the bottom of the container.

Step 6

  • Cut a pear tree branch with a thickness and diameter similar to a pencil, using a sharp knife, at a 45-degree angle in late fall.
  • Insert a pencil, 1 inch deep, into the soil mixture to create the planting holes for the pear cutting when the excess water has finished dripping from the bottom of the container.

Step 7

Pour a small amount of rooting hormone into a bowl. Dip the cut end of the pear cutting into the rooting hormone and allow the excess to drip from the cut end.

Step 8

Place the pear cutting into the hole created with the pencil and firm the soil around the cutting to secure it from falling over.

Step 9

Insert four wooden craft sticks that are taller than the pear cutting around the edges of the pot. Drape clear plastic wrap over the craft sticks and pear cutting. Seal the plastic wrap around the sides of the pot to increase the internal humidity and create a mini greenhouse for the cutting.

Step 10

Set the pear cutting on a windowsill that receives bright light, but is out of the direct rays of the sun, for two to four weeks or until the cutting gives resistance when you gently pull on it.

Step 11

  • Pour a small amount of rooting hormone into a bowl.
  • Place the pear cutting into the hole created with the pencil and firm the soil around the cutting to secure it from falling over.

Step 12

Check the soil's moisture level inside the pot regularly. If the soil looks like it is beginning to get dry, mist it with water until it is moist.

Step 13

Transplant the pear cutting outdoors into well-draining soil when the cutting reaches at least 2 feet height. Ensure the pear cutting is receiving at least six hours of sun per day.

Step 14

Water the new pear tree regularly twice a week to keep the soil moist.
