How To Make A Plot Plan Of Your House

A plot plan is a diagram of the property showing the location of various structures and other items. Plot plans are drawn from an overhead view. Uses for plot plans include placement of sewer systems, drainage and new construction in relation to adjacent structures and the property boundaries. Plot plans are helpful in placement of structures in accordance with local zoning ordinances.


Step 1

Set the measuring wheel at one corner of your lot. Walk behind the wheel as you roll it forward. Walk up the side of your lot, following property lines.

Step 2

Stop when you reach a corner. Mark down the measurement. Turn the wheel to the right or left continuing along the next side of the property. Continue this process until you have returned to the point of origin.

Step 3

  • Set the measuring wheel at one corner of your lot.
  • Walk behind the wheel as you roll it forward.

Step 4

List each measurement to help when drawing the plan.

Step 5

Repeat the entire measuring process for each structure on the property.

Step 1

Drawing Current Structures

Step 1

Make a scale rule at one corner of the graph paper. A scale rule is a diagram showing the representation of a measured foot converted to smaller measurements. An example would be 1 inch equals 10 feet. Draw a line 1-inch long. Mark underneath it the conversion of feet to inches.

Step 2

  • List each measurement to help when drawing the plan.
  • Make a scale rule at one corner of the graph paper.

Step 3

Draw the outline of the lot to scale on the graph paper.

Step 4

Determine the location of any buildings or structures on your plan using the scale rule to keep uniformity. Draw the structures onto the lot.

Step 1

Locating the Utilities and Boundaries

Step 1

Contact the zoning and utility offices for your community. Determine where the utilities, pipes, easements and right-of-way are in relation to your property.

Step 2

Draw dotted lines for the locations of boundaries and utilities.

Step 3

Draw your walkways and drives onto the plan.

Step 4

  • Draw the outline of the lot to scale on the graph paper.
  • Draw your walkways and drives onto the plan.

Step 1

Locating Drainage, Sewer and Water

Step 1

Locate drain fields, septic tanks and fields, underground storage tanks or other unseen structures on the plan. If you don't have these in place yet, you will need to follow local ordinances for setback requirements. Structures may need easements or may have to be moved if changes to the plot plan are required.

Step 2

Draw these unseen structures into the plan.

Step 3

Place swimming pools and surface water such as ponds or streams on the plan.
