How To Remove Concrete From A Mailbox Post

Step 1

Dig around the mailbox post with a shovel. Dig 6 inches out from the edge of the concrete and as deep as the concrete. Ask a friend to rock the mailbox post back and forth to loosen the concrete from the ground.

Step 2

Lift the mailbox post out of the ground with the help of your assistant. Mailbox posts usually have only enough concrete to set the pole, unlike fence posts, which require more stability.

Step 3

Lay the mailbox post flat on the ground. Hold the blade of a cold chisel on the side of the concrete that is facing you. Hit the top of the chisel with a hand sledgehammer. This begins to crack the concrete in chunks.

Step 4

  • Dig around the mailbox post with a shovel.
  • Hit the top of the chisel with a hand sledgehammer.

Step 5

Continue removing the concrete with the cold chisel and hammer until one side of the mailbox post is free. Position the chisel at the exposed seam between the concrete and mailbox post. Hit the top of the chisel to continue breaking up the concrete.

Step 6

Turn the mailbox post over as necessary to chisel away the concrete.
