How To Connect A Pond Pump To A Filter

Step 1

Remove the plastic cover of the filter case, along with the charcoal filters, to reveal the interior of the filter.

Step 2

Insert the biological material in the biological chamber of the filter.

Step 3

Insert the pump in the pump container of the chamber. Feed the pump cord out through the cord opening.

Step 4

Thread the pump tubing through the holes in the charcoal and mesh filtering mediums. Slide the filters down the pump tubing until they are in place on top of the filter chambers.

Step 5

Thread the pump tubing through the top of the filter case. Snap the top into place on the filter case. Secure with any clamps, if present.

Step 6

  • Remove the plastic cover of the filter case, along with the charcoal filters, to reveal the interior of the filter.
  • Thread the pump tubing through the top of the filter case.

Step 7

Slowly lower the filter and pump case into the pond. Allow it to gradually fill up with water, and continue lowering until it rests on the floor of the pond.

Step 8

Plug in the pump.

Pump Attached to Separate Filter

Step 1

Select and cut the tubing that you will be using to connect the pond pump to the filter. The input on the pump, output on the filter and the hose diameter all need to match in order to make a secure connection. Cut the ends of the hose at a 90-degree angle to provide a secure connection.

Step 2

Tighten a hose clamp to each end of the tubing you will be using to connect the pump to the filter with the screwdriver. Tighten the clamps just enough to hold them in place.

Step 3

  • Slowly lower the filter and pump case into the pond.
  • Select and cut the tubing that you will be using to connect the pond pump to the filter.

Step 4

Connect one end of the tubing to the input on the pump. Slide the tubing over the end of the nipple. Apply a few drops of biodegradable dish soap to the inside of the tubing if needed to help it connect. Once in place, tighten the hose clamp.

Step 5

Connect one end of the tubing to the outlet on the filter. Slide the tubing over the end of the nipple. Use the biodegradable dish soap as a lubricant if needed. Tighten the hose clamp once the tubing is securely in place.

Step 6

  • Connect one end of the tubing to the input on the pump.
  • Slide the tubing over the end of the nipple.

Step 7

Lower the pump and filter assembly into the pond. If connecting an out of pond pump to an exterior filter, this step is not necessary.
