How To Plant Coontie Seeds

Step 1

Prepare a planting pot for the coontie seeds. Fill it with equal parts of sand and sphagnum peat moss, pour water over it until it is drenched and allow the pot to drain completely.

Step 2

Remove the orange, fleshy outer seed covering if you have collected fresh coontie seed. Wash the seed under running water to remove all traces of the pulp.

Step 3

Cut into the seed with a sharp knife or scalpel. You don't want to create a large hole, just a small wound that will allow water to penetrate and have access to the embryo.

Step 4

Lay the seeds on the surface of the soil and cover with a 1/4 inch layer of moist soil. Keep the pots in an area that remains warm and receives light, but not direct sun. Near a lightly-curtained window is ideal. Your seeds should sprout within 6 weeks.

Step 5

  • Prepare a planting pot for the coontie seeds.
  • Wash the seed under running water to remove all traces of the pulp.
