How To Stabilize A Pergola
Step 1
Determine the placement of the pergola. Stretch a string line to mark the exterior outline on the ground.
Step 2
Dig holes with posthole diggers to one-third the depth of the vertical support posts. For example, for a 9-foot-tall pergola, use 12-foot posts with 3 feet underground for ample support. Dig a hole for each corner post to the correct depth and 12 inches in diameter.
Step 3
Pour 3 inches of gravel into the bottom of each posthole. Tamp it down with a shovel or hoe handle.
Step 4
- Determine the placement of the pergola.
- Dig holes with posthole diggers to one-third the depth of the vertical support posts.
Step 5
Place a 4-inch-by-4-inch post in the center of a post hole. Level the pole horizontally and vertically, checking it with your level. Lean a 2-inch-by-4-inch board up against the post at a 45-degree angle with the other end on the ground. Nail the board to the post to support the post in its level position.
Step 6
Combine ready-mix concrete and water according to the package directions. Place the dry powder in a wheelbarrow, add water and mix with a shovel until the concrete is consistent.
Step 7
Shovel the concrete into the posthole around the post until it is at ground level.
Step 8
- Place a 4-inch-by-4-inch post in the center of a post hole.
- Lean a 2-inch-by-4-inch board up against the post at a 45-degree angle with the other end on the ground.
Step 9
Repeat this process for each vertical pergola post.
Step 10
Let the posts set for 24 hours. Remove the two-by-four braces and continue the building process.