How To Lay Brick Pavers With Mortar

Step 1

Prepare the installation site. If you're not installing the brick pavers onto an existing concrete slab, you'll need to lay down a layer of concrete. First, excavate the area where you want to lay the pavers, approximately 6 inches deep into the ground. Next, build a border for the concrete by lining one 2-by-4 along each of the four inside walls of the excavation area. Attach the boards to each other with a hammer and nails. Mix the concrete according to the package instructions, and pour the concrete into the excavation area to a height of about 4 inches. Drag a 2-by-4 across the surface of the concrete to get a smooth, even layer. Allow the concrete to dry for 24 hours before proceeding.

Step 2

  • Prepare the installation site.
  • Drag a 2-by-4 across the surface of the concrete to get a smooth, even layer.

Step 3

Mix the mortar with water in a wheelbarrow according to the package instructions. Once you have mixed the mortar thoroughly, start in a corner and apply a 1-inch layer of mortar on top of the concrete, so there's enough mortar to lay no more than four pavers down at a time. Spread the mortar with a trowel, and set the pavers on top of the mortar, leaving around 1/8-inch of space between each of the pavers. After you set each row of four pavers, set a level across the top to ensure they're level and even. Adjust the level if necessary by adding more mortar underneath the pavers.

Step 4

Continue working in small sections and lay enough mortar for four pavers at a time until all pavers have been set. Wipe away any mortar on the surface of the pavers. Allow 12 hours for the mortar to dry.

Step 5

  • Mix the mortar with water in a wheelbarrow according to the package instructions.
  • Once you have mixed the mortar thoroughly, start in a corner and apply a 1-inch layer of mortar on top of the concrete, so there's enough mortar to lay no more than four pavers down at a time.

Step 6

Mix the grout in a bucket according to the package instructions. Use one of the sponges to spread the grout in the spaces between each of the pavers. Using a bucket of water and a separate sponge, wipe away any grout on the surface of the pavers. Allow 12 hours for the grout to dry completely, and your patio will be ready to use.
