How to Promote Plant Growth With Quartz Crystals
Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing and growth properties with gardens and plants. The electromagnetic energy generated by some crystals is conducive to plant growth and acts as a safe and natural vitamin. Improved growth, plant strength and health are just some of the benefits associated with using a quartz crystal to promote plant growth.
Place quartz crystals around the garden. The largest crystal should be placed in the center of the garden. Ideally, half of the crystal would be above the soil and half below. This ensures that both the roots and stalk receive the same level of energy.
- Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing and growth properties with gardens and plants.
- Improved growth, plant strength and health are just some of the benefits associated with using a quartz crystal to promote plant growth.
Create a protective field around the garden and harness the energy of the poles by placing quartz crystals in the four corners of the garden--north, south, east and west.
Help injured or unhealthy plants by burying a quartz crystal in the earth at the base of the stalk near the roots. This will help the plant receive new healing energy to grow.
Soak quartz crystals in water for at least an hour in the sun. Use that water to water the plants or spray them with it. The energy of the crystals will affect the water and magnetize it with the quartz energy.
Place one quartz crystal below the soil near the roots of a plant and another above the soil to ensure maximum efficiency.
- Create a protective field around the garden and harness the energy of the poles by placing quartz crystals in the four corners of the garden--north, south, east and west.
- Place one quartz crystal below the soil near the roots of a plant and another above the soil to ensure maximum efficiency.
Use other crystals along with quartz to further help plants. There are many other crystals, such as moss agate, which aid in plant growth.
Polish Quartz Crystals
Quartz crystals are common, yet beautiful, mineral crystals valued for their interesting appearance, decorative beauty and the spiritual properties some believe them to possess. Work slowly and carefully to avoid dislodging any loose crystals. Get rid of dirt and dust particles trapped between the bases of the crystal spires and within any cracks and recessed sections on the crystals themselves. Repeat as many times as are necessary to get the crystal clean. Towel-, air- or blow-dry the crystal. Shine the crystal with vinegar. This process will remove water spots. Hold the crystal in a gloved hand (to avoid fingerprints) and move it around so that you can see each facet catch the light.
- Use other crystals along with quartz to further help plants.
- Hold the crystal in a gloved hand (to avoid fingerprints) and move it around so that you can see each facet catch the light.
Writer Bio
Erick Kristian began writing professionally in 2008. He has a strong background in business and extensive experience writing fiction and articles related to spirituality and self improvement which are published on Kristian has written several screenplays, produced numerous films, published books and written numerous articles on a variety of subjects. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Schulich School of Business.