How To Fertilize Tangerine Trees

Step 1

Schedule fertilizer applications for your tangerine tree three times each year beginning in February after new growth has begun and repeated in May and again in September. Make each application equal in strength and water it in well to disperse the nutrients into the soil.

Step 2

Fertilize 1-year-old tangerine trees with 1 cup of either ammonium sulfate or citrus tree fertilizer divided equally over the three feeding sessions. Increase the application to 2 cups for 2-year-old tree and 3 cups for a 3-year-old tree.

Step 3

Feed tangerine trees older than 4 years old with 1 cup of ammonium sulfate or 1 cup of granular citrus tree food for every year of the trees' age. Hence, you will feed a 5-year-old tangerine tree with 5 cups of fertilizer divided among the three feeding sessions each year.
