How To Get Rid Of Chiggers In Your Yard

Chiggers are not only found in the woods and out in nature, they can be found right in your own backyard. Chigger bites cause intense itching, redness, small bumps, blisters and possibly a bacterial infection from scratching. Chiggers will feed off of humans, pets and other animals. There are some steps you can take to get rid of chiggers in your yard so you can enjoy your yard without getting bitten.

Step 1

Mow any tall grass and remove weeds. Rake and remove the grass after it has been cut. Don't give chiggers any hiding places. Wear long pants, boots, long sleeve shirt and mosquito repellant when cutting grass in areas suspected of a chigger infestation.

  • Chiggers are not only found in the woods and out in nature, they can be found right in your own backyard.

Step 2

Use powdered soil sulfur. Spread powdered sulfur all over your yard. Spread the sulfur early in the morning before the sun becomes too hot. After you have spread the sulfur water your lawn and yard for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Use care when handling soil sulfur. Be sure to wear gloves, eye protection and a mask over your mouth and nose. Soil sulfur is available at garden centers.

  • Spread powdered sulfur all over your yard.

Step 3

In a yard sprayer add 1 gallon of water, ¼ of a cup of dishwasher detergent and 2 tablespoons of canola oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Spray your backyard to eliminate chiggers. Keep children and pets away for 24 to 48 hours.

Rid Of Chiggers

Chiggers are tiny arachnids that hang out in shady, grassy areas. Some like moist areas around ponds and lakes while other species prefer it dry. Hundreds of these little creatures will hang out together, just waiting for you to stumble upon them. When you do, they crawl up your socks and pant legs until they reach bare skin. If you know the day's activities will take you into chigger territory, you can avoid them by wearing protective clothing and spraying yourself with insect repellent. Place the cardboard near damp, shady areas where the vegetation is thick. You can also visit the doctor, but this generally isn't necessary unless you have scratched your skin open and gotten an infection. Now that you're feeling better and itching less, it's time to get rid of the chiggers you found in your lawn. Instead, opt for environmental controls. Secure your trash cans and keep outdoor pet dishes clean to avoid attracting rodents, raccoons and other animals that sometimes carry chiggers. Permethrin, cyfluthrin, diazinon and carbaryl are the pesticides that work best for chiggers. Wear long sleeves and long pants. Consider spraying yourself with an insect repellent that contains DEET. Chiggers dislike the smell.

  • In a yard sprayer add 1 gallon of water, ¼ of a cup of dishwasher detergent and 2 tablespoons of canola oil.
  • If you know the day's activities will take you into chigger territory, you can avoid them by wearing protective clothing and spraying yourself with insect repellent.
