How To Transplant Wild Muscadine Vines

Step 1

Select a site in full sun for your row of muscadine grapevines. These grapes enjoy a slightly sloping southern exposure, free from high or cold winds.

Step 2

Dig two post holes, 2 ½ feet deep, 20 feet apart, in a fertile, slightly sandy spot. Till the soil deeply from post hole to post hole, adding compost all along the length of the 20-foot row.

Step 3

Place a 7-foot-long post in each post hole. Be sure the posts are buried at least two feet into the ground. These are your end posts to hold the wire that will support your grapevines as they mature.

Step 4

  • Select a site in full sun for your row of muscadine grapevines.
  • Till the soil deeply from post hole to post hole, adding compost all along the length of the 20-foot row.

Step 5

Screw in the eye-hooks on your end posts. Place one screw eye about 30 inches above the ground on each post. Place one screw eye about 5 feet above the ground on each post. The screw eyes will hold the two levels of wire strands in place.

Step 6

Run two lengths of 10-gauge wire between the posts. Start with the lower strand. Staple the wire to the first post at a point just behind the lower screw eye. Run the wire through the screw eye.

Step 7

  • Screw in the eye-hooks on your end posts.
  • Place one screw eye about 30 inches above the ground on each post.

Step 8

Pull the wire to the second post. Run the wire through the lower-level screw eye. Cut the wire, leaving about an inch dangling. Staple that inch of wire securely to the end post. Repeat the process exactly for the strand of wire to be installed between the upper-level screw eyes.

Step 9

Dig your transplant hole about 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide, halfway between the two end posts. Enhance the soil to be replaced in the planting hole with a shovelful of compost, worked well into the soil.

Step 10

  • Pull the wire to the second post.

Step 11

Remove the muscadine vine to be transplanted. Be careful to dig deep and wide around the roots to avoid damaging them. Cut the vine back to the main stem or trunk, leaving two bud nodes intact.

Step 12

Place the dormant muscadine grapevine into the hole. Carefully spread out its roots. Replace the soil and compost mixture, covering the roots and filling the hole about halfway. Tamp the soil down gently and water the transplant well. Finish filling the hole with soil. Sprinkle a handful of compost on top, all around the transplant hole and a few inches away from the wild muscadine vine's protruding stem. Mulch the transplant with several inches of straw.

Step 13

  • Remove the muscadine vine to be transplanted.
  • Tamp the soil down gently and water the transplant well.
