How To Build A Rill Water Garden
Step 1
Choose your rill's location. Rills can stand alone or act as a transition from one area of the garden, or one area of a water feature to another.
Step 2
Dig a trench at least 8 inches deep.
Step 3
Widen and excavate one end of the trench to a depth below your region's frostline, usually 3 feet. This area will be the sump.
Step 4
Keep one end of the trench elevated at least 3 inches above the rest of the depression. This area will be your reservoir.
Step 5
- Choose your rill's location.
- Keep one end of the trench elevated at least 3 inches above the rest of the depression.
Step 6
Remove any debris, sharp roots or stones from the trench.
Step 7
Dig a small trench parallel to one side of the main trench. The smaller trench is for the flexible pipe which will circulate the water. The smaller trench need only be the depth necessary to conceal the flexible pipe below ground.
Step 8
Excavate the pipe trench to allow the pipes to run from the sump area, along the length of the rill and into the reservoir. Electrical cables from the submersible pump will also run through this area. Check the manufacturer's specifications for details on how to safely run the cables.
Step 9
- Remove any debris, sharp roots or stones from the trench.
- The smaller trench need only be the depth necessary to conceal the flexible pipe below ground.
Step 10
Lay the pipe. Do not back-fill the trench at this time.
Step 11
Pack 1 inch of fine, damp sand along the walls and bottom of the trench, sump and reservoir.
Step 12
Measure the butyl liner so it can be placed inside the full length of the trench, sump and reservoir. Allow for a foot of excess liner on each side of the hole.
Step 13
Position the butyl liner inside the trench, sump and reservoir. Smooth any wrinkles and do not fold the liner. Secure in place with bricks or stones.
Step 14
- Do not back-fill the trench at this time.
- Measure the butyl liner so it can be placed inside the full length of the trench, sump and reservoir.
Step 15
Mix the concrete using the wheelbarrow and shovel.
Step 16
Line the walls, bottom, sump and reservoir of the trench with 3 inches of concrete.
Step 17
Ensure that the concrete is level. Wait for 48 hours for the concrete to fully set.
Step 18
Mortar a line of masonry brick along the edges of the trench. The excess liner will remain on the outside of the brick. The liner will be concealed later.
Step 19
- Mix the concrete using the wheelbarrow and shovel.
Step 20
Wait for the masonry brick to set before laying the decorative brick or stone.
Step 21
Moisten the inside of the rill, sump and reservoir once the decorative masonry has set, usually within 48 hours.
Step 22
Apply a 1/2-inch layer of fiber reinforced cement to the inside of the rill, including the reservoir and sump area.
Step 23
Coat the rill with water sealant after the cement has dried.
Step 24
Set the submersible pump into the sump. Connect the flexible pipe and electrical cables to the pump in accordance with the manufacturer's directions.
Step 25
Add water to the rill and start the pump.
Step 26
- Wait for the masonry brick to set before laying the decorative brick or stone.
- Moisten the inside of the rill, sump and reservoir once the decorative masonry has set, usually within 48 hours.
Step 27
Monitor the pipes for leaks then back-fill the pipe trench.
Step 28
Conceal the excess liner with soil from the trench excavation.
Step 29
Plant water-loving flora near the watercourse.