How To Trench For Termites

Step 1

Count up the number of linear feet you are going to treat. For large areas, it helps to have a measuring wheel, which tallies up the distance around a space while you walk. You will need these measurements to administer the proper amount of termiticide. Include any concrete slabs, such as patios and garages, and include crawl spaces inside and out.

Step 2

Using a trenching tool, dig a trench 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep along the foundation of the building you are treating. Dig a trench all the way around the perimeter.

Step 3

Treat at a rate of 4 gallons every 10 feet. Remember that you will need to treat both the inside and outside of the crawl space.

Step 4

  • Count up the number of linear feet you are going to treat.
  • Remember that you will need to treat both the inside and outside of the crawl space.

Step 5

Fill the trench with 4 gallons of termiticide solution (i.e., termiticide and water) per 10 feet. Use the 5-gallon bucket to measure out 4 gallons repeatedly.

Step 6

After filling the trench, replace the dirt you removed from the trench. If the termiticide solution has already seeped into the soil, you'll need to treat the backfill as well, but if it has not, it should soak up the solution just fine.

Step 7

Next, treat any contiguous cement slabs, such as the garage, porches and patios. Using a hammer drill with a 12-inch by ½-inch bit, drill holes in the slabs 3 to 4 inches away from the wall or foundation and every 10 to 12 inches. You will need to reach the dirt beneath the slab in order for the treatment to sink in, so a 12-inch bit is necessary.

Step 8

  • Fill the trench with 4 gallons of termiticide solution (i.e., termiticide and water) per 10 feet.
  • If the termiticide solution has already seeped into the soil, you'll need to treat the backfill as well, but if it has not, it should soak up the solution just fine.

Step 9

Use the 1-gallon sprayer on the pin stream setting to target the hole precisely, and avoid splashing. Fill at 4 gallons per 10 feet.

Step 10

Fill the holes with concrete filler or ½-inch plugs or corks, available at any home improvement store.

Step 11

Treat the interior of the crawl space at the same rate as the exterior and pay special attention to the area surrounding the supporting piers.

Step 12

If the building stands on hollow concrete blocks, treat every void starting at the second block from the bottom (no closer than 18 inches from the ground). Treat at 2 gallons per 10 linear feet.

