How To Fertilize Thuja Green Giant
Thuja Green Giants are tall, fast growing evergreen trees. They are perfect for planting on the edge of your property for privacy purposes or even just for blocking wind. These trees can get as tall as 40 feet, but they typically stay within the 20- to 30-foot range. With the proper care, you can ensure that your Thuja Green Giants reach their full potential.
Step 1
Fertilize at the beginning of the first spring season after planting the tree. Adding fertilizer right away may stunt the growth of a Thuja Green Giant.
Step 2
Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer every two weeks starting after the last frost of the season and until the first week of summer. Use of a stronger fertilizer during the first year of the tree's life could kill the roots.
- Thuja Green Giants are tall, fast growing evergreen trees.
- Use of a stronger fertilizer during the first year of the tree's life could kill the roots.
Step 3
Decrease the amount of fertilizer to once per month during the summer. Continue fertilizing the tree until the ground begins to frost over.
Step 4
Stop fertilizing your Thuja Green Giant during the winter.
Step 5
Fertilize the tree in the same time increments for as long as you have the tree. You can begin using a stronger fertilizer on the second year.
Care For A Thuja Green Giant
A product of the U.S. National Arboretum, the Thuja Green Giant, also known as Thuja standishii x plicata, is a fast-growing evergreen tree that can grow as much as 5 feet each year. Thuja Green Giant performs excellently when grown as a windbreak, hedge or privacy screen. This simple-to-care-for tree can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. Frequent hydration is especially important for young trees that are struggling to establish themselves in a new location. Apply a half-strength dilution of fertilizer for the first year of growth to avoid burning your tree's sensitive young roots. Trim discolored, diseased or damaged foliage from your Thuja Green Giant tree as needed to maintain your tree's appearance.
- Decrease the amount of fertilizer to once per month during the summer.
- Apply a half-strength dilution of fertilizer for the first year of growth to avoid burning your tree's sensitive young roots.
Keep the soil moist at all times to ensure maximum tree growth. Read the fertilizer package for directions on how to apply the fertilizer. All brands of fertilizer have slightly different directions.
- University of Georgia: Fast-growing, pest-free Green Giant draws acclaim
- Thuja Green Giant Evergreen
- "The Gardener's Guide to Planting and Growing Trees"; Mike Buffi; 2007
- University of Connecticut: Thuja Plicata