How To Fix Tiled Swimming Pool Leaks
Step 1
Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
Step 2
- Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
- Squeeze the bottle of epoxy directly onto the crack in the tile.
Step 3
Squeeze the bottle of epoxy directly onto the crack in the tile. You can do this while underwater, as the epoxy will not wash away. If the crack is not on the tile but in the tile grout, simply squeeze the epoxy on top of the leaking grout.
Step 4
Gently smooth the epoxy onto the surface of the cracked tile with a gloved hand.
Step 5
Allow the epoxy to set for at least 45 minutes before touching it to see if the leak has been adequately sealed.
Sealing a Leaking Tile Pool With a Rubber-Based Sealant
Step 1
Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
Step 2
- Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
- Squeeze the bottle of epoxy directly onto the crack in the tile.
Step 3
Squeeze the tube of rubber sealant directly onto the leak or cracked tile grout. You can smooth the rubber sealant directly with your hand underwater. It should cure in a few minutes.
Step 4
If the tile cracked widely, you may need to perform Step 2 several times, and the curing time for the sealant will increase.
Sealing a Leaking Tile Pool With Putty
Step 1
Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
Step 2
- Safely locate the leak in the pool tile.
- Squeeze the bottle of epoxy directly onto the crack in the tile.
Step 3
Squeeze a small amount of the putty directly onto the crack in the tile or grout. Do not touch the putty with your hands.
Step 4
- Squeeze the tube of rubber sealant directly onto the leak or cracked tile grout.
- Squeeze a small amount of the putty directly onto the crack in the tile or grout.
Step 5
Wait at least 20 minutes before checking to see if the putty has successfully sealed the leak.