How To Lay Flagstone For Edging

Step 1

Use a shovel to remove any soil, grass or plants in the area where the edging will go. The depth of the trench should accommodate the thickness of the flagstone, in addition to 3 or 4 inches for the crushed gravel and sand base. The width of the trench needs to accommodate the width of the stone, with an additional inch or two for working space on either side of the edging.

Step 2

Spread a layer of crushed gravel at the bottom of the trench. To offer a solid base for the flagstone edging, the gravel layer must be about 1 to 2 inches thick. With a metal rake, spread the gravel around the trench so it is of uniform thickness in all areas. After spreading, pack the gravel down firmly with a tamper.

Step 3

  • Use a shovel to remove any soil, grass or plants in the area where the edging will go.
  • The depth of the trench should accommodate the thickness of the flagstone, in addition to 3 or 4 inches for the crushed gravel and sand base.

Step 4

Install edging restraints along each edge of the trench. Place the desired edging material — usually aluminum, plastic or wood — against either side of the trench and secure with the provided stakes.

Step 5

Spread a 1-inch layer of sand directly over the crushed gravel layer and use a scrap piece of wood to smooth the sandy layer along the entire trench.

Step 6

Lay the flagstones, as desired, onto the sand. Place the stones as close together as possible, and use a stone cutter or chisel and hammer to break stones into the desired size or shape.

Step 7

Spread a thin layer of sand over the completed edging border. With a push broom, sweep the sand at a diagonal angle to make sure it falls between the stones and holds the flagstone in place.

Step 8

  • Install edging restraints along each edge of the trench.
  • Place the desired edging material — usually aluminum, plastic or wood — against either side of the trench and secure with the provided stakes.

Step 9

Hose down any remaining sand from the stones. The water will harden the sand and create a secure fit for the edging.
