How To Kill A Tree On A Fence Line

Step 1

Cut a small line around the middle of the tree, cutting through the bark to the tree underneath. Move the saw down a few inches and cut a second line around the tree. Strip the bark in between the two lines, exposing the inside of the tree.

Step 2

Dig up the ground around the tree until you expose the root system. Cover the roots with a thick layer of mulch. Use at least one foot of mulch on top of the roots. The mulch suffocates the roots and stops the roots from gathering and transporting water and nutrients into the tree.

Step 3

  • Cut a small line around the middle of the tree, cutting through the bark to the tree underneath.
  • Strip the bark in between the two lines, exposing the inside of the tree.

Step 4

Create a series of small holes and slashes in the tree, using the handsaw and the electric drill. Cut slashes into the tree with the handsaw and drill small holes approximately one-inch deep into the tree. The number of marks needed depends on the size of the tree and how fast you want it to die.

Step 5

Spray the exposed area of the tree with herbicide. The tree absorbs the herbicide and spreads it through the tree, which helps quicken its death. Use an herbicide that contains glyphosate, like Roundup or a triclopyr herbicide, such as Garlon.

Step 6

Dip the paintbrush into the herbicide and paint the chemicals onto the slash marks you made on the tree. Fill in the holes with more herbicide. The tree slowly absorbs the chemicals through the multiple holes and applications, which quickens its death.

Step 7

  • Create a series of small holes and slashes in the tree, using the handsaw and the electric drill.
  • The tree slowly absorbs the chemicals through the multiple holes and applications, which quickens its death.

Step 8

Place the edge of the handsaw 1 or 2 feet up from the bottom of the tree. Cut the tree down, using a back and forth motion as you saw through the tree.
