How To Change The Drive Belt On A 2008 Super Bronco Troy Bilt Lawnmower

The Troy Bilt Super Bronco is a 42-inch riding lawn tractor suitable for mowing residential properties up to 1.5 acres. Driven by a 20-inch Kohler engine, the Super Bronco features a side-discharge mowing deck with five height adjustments. A single deck V-belt drives all cutting functions. It should be replaced if signs of excessive wear are apparent. Replace the Super Bronco drive belt with a Troy Bilt OEM replacement only.

Step 1

Turn off the engine, and remove the ignition key.

Step 2

Unscrew the single self-tapping screw that secures the belt-keeper rod around the engine pulley on the front of the engine. Remove the belt-keeper rod.

  • The Troy Bilt Super Bronco is a 42-inch riding lawn tractor suitable for mowing residential properties up to 1.5 acres.
  • Driven by a 20-inch Kohler engine, the Super Bronco features a side-discharge mowing deck with five height adjustments.

Step 3

Take the drive belt off the engine pulley and the idler pulleys.

Step 4

Place the PTO control in the "Off" position.

Step 5

Move the deck lift lever located on the right fender to the bottom notch.

Step 6

Take out the clip that holds the PTO cable to the back side of the cutting deck.

Step 7

Pull out the left deck support pin on the rear-left side of the tractor.

Step 8

Pull out the right deck support pin on the rear-right side of the tractor.

Step 9

Raise the deck lift arms by moving the deck lift lever into the top notch.

  • Take the drive belt off the engine pulley and the idler pulleys.
  • Pull out the left deck support pin on the rear-left side of the tractor.

Step 10

Push the cutting deck forward, disengaging the deck hooks from the deck stabilizer rod.

Step 11

Move to the left side of the tractor, and gently pull the cutting deck from underneath it.

Step 12

Take out the self-tapping screws that retain the left and right belt guards, and remove the belt guards.

Step 13

Loosen the deck idler pulleys, but do not remove them.

Step 14

Remove the drive belt from around all pulleys.

Step 15

Install the new belt into all pulleys. Consult the manufacturer's belt routing diagram, if necessary.

  • Push the cutting deck forward, disengaging the deck hooks from the deck stabilizer rod.

Step 16

Replace the belt guards. Mount the deck to the tractor.

Step 17

Place the belt around the engine pulley, and install the belt keeper rod.
