How To Use A Brick Hammer

Step 1

Use the blunt side of the brick hammer to break apart large brick pieces. This side can also be used to split brick layers in half or crush brick into rock.

Step 2

Use the blunt side of the hammer on concrete and cement as well. When necessary, it can be used to drive stakes and to split cutting lines.

Step 3

Use the chisel-end of the brick hammer for delicate hammering jobs, such as chipping small brick pieces. Simply strike the large brick gently with the chisel-end until brick chips break off.

Step 4

Use the chisel-end to trim and smooth brick faces. Strike the brick face with soft and even hits. Work from one end of the brick face to the other until the brick is smooth.

Step 5

  • Use the blunt side of the brick hammer to break apart large brick pieces.

Step 6

Use the chisel-end to separate cemented brick pieces. Strike the cement between the brick pieces until a small amount of cement dust forms. Use the chisel to scrape away cement dust. Strike the cement again until the brick pieces separate.
