How To Build A Multi Level Patio

Step 1

Excavate a 12 inch deep trench along the base of the hill where you will build the retaining wall. Dig the trench wide enough to accommodate the width of the pavers and a 3-inch space along the front of the pavers to allow for backfilling and an 8-inch space along the back to allow for a drainage system to be installed.

Step 2

Compact the soil in the trench by tamping it down and then fill the trench with 6 inches of crushed limestone. Tamp the limestone to firm up the base.

Step 3

Lay the first course of paver stones into the trench. Begin by setting the first paver into the trench. Check that it's level in both directions. Tap it down with a rubber mallet if needed. Set the rest of the first course by using the first paver as a guide. When laying the pavers, leave a gap for the steps.

Step 4

  • Excavate a 12 inch deep trench along the base of the hill where you will build the retaining wall.
  • Set the rest of the first course by using the first paver as a guide.

Step 5

Slope the crushed limestone along the back edge of the pavers toward the side you want the water to drain. Don't slope it toward your house. Slope the limestone at a rate of 1 inch for every 100 feet of length.

Step 6

Cover the limestone in the back of the trench with landscaping fabric and then pour an inch of drainage aggregate on top of it.

Step 7

Cover the drain tile with landscaping fabric to help prevent it from clogging and then lay it into the trench behind the pavers. The drain tile is perforated pipe that collects water from behind the retaining wall.

Step 8

Place the second course of pavers on top of the first course. Set the front edge of the pavers in the second row 3/4 inch behind the front of the pavers in the first row. Apply masonry adhesive between the two courses. Stagger the pavers by cutting a paver in half with a wet saw and using that on the ends.

Step 9

  • Slope the crushed limestone along the back edge of the pavers toward the side you want the water to drain.
  • Cover the drain tile with landscaping fabric to help prevent it from clogging and then lay it into the trench behind the pavers.

Step 10

Build a concrete form for the staircase out of sheets of 1/2-inch plywood. When completed, the form should resemble a staircase without the treads. The treads are the parts that you step on.

Step 11

Set the form for the steps into the gap you left between the pavers and fill the form with concrete. Remove the form after the concrete has set for the time specified on the packaging.

Step 12

Lay the third course of pavers and then excavate the hill to create an 8-inch gap between the back of the pavers and the front edge of the hill.

Step 13

Fill the gap between the pavers and the hill with drainage aggregate and tamp it down.

Step 14

  • Build a concrete form for the staircase out of sheets of 1/2-inch plywood.
  • Set the form for the steps into the gap you left between the pavers and fill the form with concrete.

Step 15

Add more rows of pavers until you reach the top of the hill.

Step 16

Excavate the ground for the patios and then cover the soil with landscaping fabric to stabilize the soil and prevent weeds from growing.

Step 17

Fill the patio holes with 4 inches of gravel and tamp it down. Add an inch of sand to provide a base for the pavers.

Step 18

Install edge restraints around the edges of the holes and then set the pavers into position on the sand. Run over the pavers with a mechanical plate compactor and sweep sand into the gaps between the pavers to help solidify them. Add sand-binding sealant to the pavers.

Step 19

  • Add more rows of pavers until you reach the top of the hill.
  • Install edge restraints around the edges of the holes and then set the pavers into position on the sand.

Step 20

Finish the steps by using masonry adhesive to bind pavers to the concrete or with bricks and mortar.
