How Are Chainsaw Chains Made?

Step 1

A chainsaw, as you probably know, is a large gas-powered saw with a rotating blade in the form of a chain that continuously cycles down the length of the saw's guide bar. These are powerful and dangerous devices, used primarily for cutting down trees and clearing land of plant and bush growth quickly and effectively. Some chainsaws are capable of cutting through materials like concrete or stone as well. The only difference in what a chainsaw is capable of cutting is determined by the saw's blade. There are many different types of chainsaw blades made by many different manufacturers; some are cheap, some are effective, some are specifically designed for a certain material, and some are all-purpose models.

How Are Chainsaw Chain Links Made?

Step 1

The individual links which make up a chain have to be made separately and then assembled later. There are typically three types of chain link that go into anyone saw chain. The first is a guiding link with a hook that holds onto the saw's guide bar and allows it to rotate. The other two are cutting links; one has a blade angled to cut to the left of the guide bar, and the other has a blade angled to cut to the right of the guide bar. In this way the chain rips through whatever you try to cut. The highest-quality chain links are made by pouring molten metal into individual molds and then allowing it to cool and solidify. Average chain links are made from a large press machine that stamps them out of sheets of stainless steel. In both cases, the links are handled by assembly line workers. Any metal burrs or rough edges are ground smooth with bench grinders. Then, the blades are sharpened with thin cylindrical diamond edged files.

Step 2

  • A chainsaw, as you probably know, is a large gas-powered saw with a rotating blade in the form of a chain that continuously cycles down the length of the saw's guide bar.
  • Average chain links are made from a large press machine that stamps them out of sheets of stainless steel.

How Are Chainsaw Chain Links Connected?

Step 1

Chainsaw blades made by hand are rare nowadays because of the time involved in riveting each link together, in sequence, one after the other, to create a complete circular chain. Nowadays most companies place the links in a tool and die. Hollows are present, in which the backs of the rivets are placed, then a guide link, then a cutting link, then a guide link, and so on. Once the links are in place the tops of the rivets are placed over all the joints. A button is pressed, activating a stamp which presses down and seals the rivets together, finishing the chain.
