
Step 1

Cryptomeria japonica "Globosa Nana" is also known as the dwarf globe Japanese cedar. It is an evergreen that is hardy to zones 5 to 7. It has bluish-green needles that will turn to a rusty red color in the winter season. In landscape design it is generally used as a specimen planting. The cryptomeria japonica will do well in sun to partial shade, and well-drained soil. This evergreen will reach a height of 2 to 4 feet and a width of 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet, it is an extremely low-maintenance plant, but some pruning is recommended.

Step 2

Step 1

Prune any dead/dieback foliage when it appears, using your hand pruning shears. The evergreen does not have to be in its dormant state.

  • Cryptomeria japonica "Globosa Nana" is also known as the dwarf globe Japanese cedar.
  • This evergreen will reach a height of 2 to 4 feet and a width of 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet, it is an extremely low-maintenance plant, but some pruning is recommended.

Step 2

Remove any damaged/broken foliage. This can be done at any time.

Step 3

Trim to shape the dome of the dwarf globe Japanese cedar. The natural shape is dome-like in appearance, but you may want to further define this round shape by snipping away the foliage to define the shape. You can do this in early spring, or late fall/early winter.


Ideally this evergreen will live for 80 years or more The foliage fills out to ground level so there's no need to place any plants in front of it. The dwarf globe Japanese cedar is very sensitive to pollution and will not do well when planted near busy city streets.

How to Care for Cryptomeria

Step 1

Step 1

Plant cryptomeria in full sunlight or partial shade. Choose an area where the soil drains well. If water tends to puddle five to six hours after a heavy rain, choose a different spot. Although cryptomeria requires plenty of water, the tree won't do well in soggy soil.

  • Remove any damaged/broken foliage.
  • Although cryptomeria requires plenty of water, the tree won't do well in soggy soil.

Step 2

Locate cryptomeria where the tree will be protected from harsh winds. Avoid planting the tree too near buildings or other trees, as cryptomeria benefits from plenty of air circulation.

Step 3

Water cryptomeria regularly and never allow the soil to dry out. As the tree matures, it will gradually become more drought tolerant and will only need water during hot, dry periods.

Step 4

Prune cryptomeria lightly, only if necessary. Cryptomeria rarely needs pruning, but may need to be trimmed if the graceful, droopy branches hang too low over a walkway.

How to Root Cryptomeria

Step 1

Step 1

Make a mixture of 90 percent perlite and 10 percent sand. Add it to the planting pot to within 1/2 inch of the rim. Water the soil well, stirring to make sure all the soil is wet. Allow the water to drain from the bottom of the pot.

  • Locate cryptomeria where the tree will be protected from harsh winds.
  • Avoid planting the tree too near buildings or other trees, as cryptomeria benefits from plenty of air circulation.

Step 2

Remove the leaves from the lower third of the cutting.

Step 3

Insert the cut end of the cutting into the rooting hormone. Tap on the side of the container to remove any excess.

Step 4

Insert the bottom third of the stem into the soil and tamp around the base to ensure that it is in good contact with the soil.

Step 5

Cover the pot with the plastic bag and seal it. Place the bagged pot on the heating mat, set at 75 degrees F, in an area that gets indirect sunlight.

Step 6

Remove the bag every other day to mist the cutting and check that the soil hasn't dried out. Your cutting should root within two to three weeks, at which time you can remove the bag.

  • Remove the leaves from the lower third of the cutting.
  • Insert the bottom third of the stem into the soil and tamp around the base to ensure that it is in good contact with the soil.

Things Needed

  • Perlite
  • Sand
  • Rooting hormone powder
  • Planting pot
  • Water
  • Ziploc bag
  • Heat mat

How to Prune Cryptomeria Radicans

Step 1

Step 1

Sterilize your pruning shears before using them. Wipe down the blades with rubbing alcohol and a rag to limit the spread of disease between your plants.

Step 2

Train the Cryptomeria when it is young, developing a strong central leader. If the tree begins to develop multiple trunks, cut the weaker of the two down to the ground.

Step 3

Cut out diseased, dead or broken branches when you see them. This tree stays green throughout the winter, so any branch that turns brown is dead. Cut them back to a bud or right outside the root collar (the raised area where the branch attaches to the tree).

  • Sterilize your pruning shears before using them.
  • If the tree begins to develop multiple trunks, cut the weaker of the two down to the ground.

Step 4

Shape your tree in early spring, following its natural conical shape. If you wish to thicken the canopy, simply pinch back new growth to half its length with your fingers. Do not cut into old wood, as there are few buds on this wood that will produce new growth.

Fatsia Japonica Facts

Step 1


The Fatsia japonica has broad, deep-lobed dark green leaves and stiff stems. The upright stems bend and curve, reaching approximately 8 feet tall.


Fatsia japonica is native to Japan, but is now grown all over the world as an indoor and outdoor plant.


Fatsia japonica is grown in part shade or full shade with no prolonged summer sun. Water the plant regularly during growing season, but reduce watering from fall to late winter.

  • Shape your tree in early spring, following its natural conical shape.
  • Fatsia japonica is grown in part shade or full shade with no prolonged summer sun.


The plant has no serious insect or disease problems. Soil that is too moist can lead to root rot. Bugs to watch for include aphids, mealybugs, scale, thrips and spider mites.


The Fatsia japonica makes a good courtyard or patio plant. It can also make a nice indoor plant in a brightly lit area.

How Fast Does Japanese Cryptomeria Grow?

Step 1

Japanese cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica) is considered a fast grower, reaching a height of 25 feet in 10 years. In the wild, the Japanese cedar can grow to 180 feet. Under cultivation, the tree usually grows to about 60 feet tall.

  • The plant has no serious insect or disease problems.
  • Japanese cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica) is considered a fast grower, reaching a height of 25 feet in 10 years.
