How To Freeze Mint Leaves
Freeze fresh mint leaves and you can enjoy the delicious flavor and aroma of the mint after gardening season is long past. Although frozen mint leaves will retain their refreshing minty flavor, the leaves will lose some of their bright color, and will become somewhat limp. Although frozen mint leaves may not look as good as fresh mint leaves, frozen mint is a tasty addition to a variety of foods, from peas and carrots to ice cream and hot tea. If you don't have an herb garden, purchase fresh mint at your favorite organic grocery store or farmer's market.
Step 1
Harvest mint leaves in the morning before the heat of the day. Cut the entire mint plant clear down to the ground, or leave about 3 to 4 inches if you want to harvest another crop of mint leaves in a few weeks.
Step 2
Strip the mint leaves from the mint plant by running your fingernails down the stems. Place the mint leaves in a colander, and clean the leaves under cool, running water. If you're freezing a large amount of mint leaves, put the leaves in a large bowl or a clean kitchen sink, and swish the leaves in the water. Repeat, if necessary, until the mint leaves are clean.
- Freeze fresh mint leaves and you can enjoy the delicious flavor and aroma of the mint after gardening season is long past.
- Place the mint leaves in a colander, and clean the leaves under cool, running water.
Step 3
Place the mint leaves between a thick layer of paper towels, and pat the towels gently until the mint leaves are dry.
Step 4
Spread the clean mint leaves out on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for three or four hours, or until the mint leaves are frozen.
Step 5
Label a zip-lock bag with an indelible marker. Place the frozen mint leaves in the zip-lock bag and place the bag in the freezer.
To dress up ice tea, lemonade or other refreshing summertime drinks, fill an ice tray with water. Slip one small sprig of clean mint leaf in each cube. You can also blend mint leaves with a bit of water, and pour the mint slurry into ice cube trays. Use the trays to flavor ice cream, jelly or soup.
Things Needed
- Colander
- Large bowl
- Paper towels
- Baking sheet
- Zip-lock bag
- Indelible marker