The Best Strawberries To Plant In Tennessee

Tennessee produces sweet, fresh strawberries. The task of producing a satisfactory crop in this state is tricky, as springtime weather isn't predictable. One day might bring 70-degree F temperatures with sunny skies, and the next might bring pouring rain and 40 degrees F. Because of this fickle climate, Tennesseans choose strawberry varieties that are hardy and resistant to moisture-born diseases, to ensure a tasty crop of strawberries.



This variety of strawberry is a June-bearer and is harvest-ready in late spring to early summer. Plants are available through grower's catalogs and local garden centers. Because Earliglow is a June-bearing plant, it gives off a large one-time harvest during this period. The berries are firm, deep-red specimens and are reportedly "very sweet" according to growers.

  • Tennessee produces sweet, fresh strawberries.
  • Because Earliglow is a June-bearing plant, it gives off a large one-time harvest during this period.



Allstar is another June-bearer and produces a quintessential strawberry-shape fruit, large at the shoulders that narrow to a pointed end. This variety holds up well to freezing and rendering for preserves, as commercial growers report the berry possesses a prolifically sweet flavor and sturdy texture. Allstar is a favorite of Tennessee gardeners because it's disease resistant and grows well in the state's damp spring season. This fruit is typically ready for harvest mid-season.



A late-season ripening variety, Primetime produces large, aesthetically attractive fruit. The plant renders a substantial crop and is favored by commercial growers for their mail-order and ship-to customers. Like most strawberry plants Primetime loves loose, organic-rich and well-drained soil. Strawberry plants of this type propagate by sending out shoots and runners to form new plants that self-anchor into the soil.

  • Allstar is another June-bearer and produces a quintessential strawberry-shape fruit, large at the shoulders that narrow to a pointed end.
  • This variety holds up well to freezing and rendering for preserves, as commercial growers report the berry possesses a prolifically sweet flavor and sturdy texture.

Plant Strawberries In Tennessee

If you live in Tennessee, and would like to plant strawberries, it is important to consider your growing conditions. Check the pH of your soil using a testing kit from a nursery. You will need to amend your Tennessee soil if the pH is higher or lower. Amend the soil if necessary using lime for a pH below 5.5 or peat moss for a pH that measures above 6.5. Backfill the holes around the strawberry seedlings, patting the soil afterward to remove air pockets. Tennessee strawberries appreciate a dose of fertilizer in the early spring and after harvesting. A 3-inch layer of bark chips will also improve drainage and protect the roots of the strawberry plants from the Tennessee temperature changes.

  • If you live in Tennessee, and would like to plant strawberries, it is important to consider your growing conditions.
  • You will need to amend your Tennessee soil if the pH is higher or lower.

