How To Kill Dormant Bermuda Grass

Bermuda is a hardy and persistent warm-loving grass that thrives in Southern United States. Homeowners in different parts of the country also grow it because it is easy to grow and maintain, is not particular about a certain soil type, spreads quickly and is inexpensive. However, sometimes Bermuda grass extends its boundaries due to its rapid growth rate to become an invasive weed. For best results, kill Bermuda grass in the winter, when it is dormant and weak.

Step 1

Mow the Bermuda grass as short as you can. This grass propagates by roots and runners, so collect the grass clippings in a plastic bag, knot it firmly and dispose of appropriately.

Step 2

Purchase herbicide specifically formulated to kill Bermuda grass. This perennial grass has strong roots and is very difficult to remove once it establishes itself.

  • Bermuda is a hardy and persistent warm-loving grass that thrives in Southern United States.
  • This grass propagates by roots and runners, so collect the grass clippings in a plastic bag, knot it firmly and dispose of appropriately.

Step 3

Follow label directions for preparation, use and precautions. Add water to the herbicide if it is concentrated, or pour the diluted form directly into a spray tank.

Step 4

Wear your face mask and spray the herbicide directly over the Bermuda grass to kill it. This method is idea for large areas of Bermuda grass. Do not spray it on the grass if it grows in flowerbeds, as you could kill surrounding flowers as well.

Step 5

Insert a shovel in the soil around a small patch of Bermuda grass, and lift if up. Make sure you collect all the roots to prevent it grow growing again. For best results, remove an inch of soil from the spot to ensure any remainder roots do not have a chance of propagating. Remove this weed from around or inside flowerbeds this way as well.

  • Follow label directions for preparation, use and precautions.
  • Add water to the herbicide if it is concentrated, or pour the diluted form directly into a spray tank.

Step 6

Reapply chemical herbicide over Bermuda grass up to two more times to ensure thre grass' deep roots die.

Step 7

Cover the area you sprayed with herbicide with a black plastic tarp. This not only restricts water supply, but also prevents sunlight and air from reaching it. This step promotes good contact of the herbicide and grass, without any natural factors diluting the chemicals. Although Bermuda grass is drought-resistant to some extent, it will suffer from lack of hydration when it is dormant.


Practice safety when using chemicals. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, full pants, gloves, protective eyeglasses and a face mask. Do not allow children or pets near the sprayed area for at least 24 hours. Refer to label directions for relevant time span.

Things Needed

  • Lawn mower
  • Plastic bag
  • Chemical herbicide
  • Spray tank
  • Face mask
  • Gloves
  • Shovel
  • Black plastic tarp
