How To Transplant AeroGarden Plants

AeroGarden hydroponic plant growing systems are useful for indoor gardening. However, once your plants have grown to a certain point, you may want to transplant them so you can grow something else in your AeroGarden. While plants grown in a hydroponic system may need some babying in order to adjust to the comparatively harder life of soil, it is possible to transplant them without too much effort. As long as you are careful with them, plants that were healthy in your AeroGarden will probably be healthy and happy in pots as well.

Step 1

Fill your pots with a mix of 3/4 potting soil and 1/4 vermiculite or perlite. Mix it together with your fingers so that the vermiculite or perlite is fairly evenly distributed throughout the pot.

Step 2

Remove the first plant pod from your AeroGarden. Be careful so you do not damage the stem or the root ball. The roots will be quite long, as they will have been reaching for the nutrient-rich water in the base of the unit. They may also be tangled with the roots of other plants in the unit. It is okay to break a few roots if you must, but try to avoid it if possible.

  • AeroGarden hydroponic plant growing systems are useful for indoor gardening.
  • However, once your plants have grown to a certain point, you may want to transplant them so you can grow something else in your AeroGarden.

Step 3

Poke a hole in the middle of the potting soil in the first pot with your fingers. Gently place the first plant's root ball into the hole. You may want to cut the plastic AeroGarden basket off from around the pod, but it is okay to leave it on if you prefer. If you would like to remove it, use the side cutters to carefully snip the plastic parts away. Be careful not to snip the plant or your fingers. Do not snip the gray foam inside the basket. That foam is where the plant has been growing in your AeroGarden, and the roots will be too intertwined with it for you to take the foam away without damaging your plant.

  • Poke a hole in the middle of the potting soil in the first pot with your fingers.
  • You may want to cut the plastic AeroGarden basket off from around the pod, but it is okay to leave it on if you prefer.

Step 4

Cover the top of the root ball with potting soil.

Step 5

Repeat for any other AeroGarden plants you wish to transplant.

Step 6

Water all transplants thoroughly, and continue to make sure they are watered thoroughly for the next couple of weeks. Place your transplants near the AeroGarden grow lamp or in direct sun as much as possible. Do not place outside until they have first had a few months to acclimate to living in soil. If your plants were healthy in the AeroGarden and you did not damage them very much when you transplanted them, most of them will adapt very well.


It is possible to start seedlings indoors with the AeroGarden for planting outdoors in the spring. However, you should always give such seedlings an intermediate period planted in soil indoors first. Otherwise, the shock of going from hydroponic growth to soil growth may be too great for your seedlings to bear. The AeroGarden company suggests putting such plants outdoors in pots during the day for a few hours at a time, gradually letting them spend more and more time outdoors so their stems can grow strong enough to handle wind.

Things Needed

  • Potting soil
  • 6-inch plant pots
  • Hand trowel
  • Vermiculite or perlite
  • Side cutters (optional)
