How To Care For The KnockOut Rose

KnockOut roses are engineered to be low-maintenance, disease-resistant and vigorously blooming. The KnockOut rose bush blooms from spring until the first frost in fall, requiring little pruning or care. This rose variety reblooms every five or six weeks throughout the growing season. KnockOut roses are also rather heat- and cold-tolerant, growing in regions where winter temperatures dip down as low as -15 degrees Fahrenheit. The KnockOut rose bush can grow to 3 or 4 feet tall and wide, with a wide range of available flower colors.

Step 1

Water your KnockOut roses deeply two or three times a week during the summer and once or twice a week during the spring and early autumn. Don't allow the KnockOut rose bushes to dry out between waterings.

  • KnockOut roses are engineered to be low-maintenance, disease-resistant and vigorously blooming.
  • The KnockOut rose bush can grow to 3 or 4 feet tall and wide, with a wide range of available flower colors.

Step 2

Feed your KnockOut rose bushes once each month during the growing season with an all-purpose rose fertilizer. Follow the fertilizer dosage instructions on the label.

Step 3

Cut your KnockOut rose shrub back to about 1 to 1 1/2 feet above the ground in early spring, after the last hard frost. If the rose bush is larger, simply cut it back to about one-third or half its height.

Step 4

Trim your KnockOut roses in the springtime to shape the bushes and remove any diseased, damaged or dead growth. Unlike other rose bush varieties, the KnockOut rose requires very minimal pruning.

Prune A Knockout Rose Bush

Clean garden tools with alcohol before using. Prune the bush annually to encourage new growth. Inspect your rose bush and decide how high you want it to grow. Prune it to about one-third the desired height by snipping it off with the shears.

  • Feed your KnockOut rose bushes once each month during the growing season with an all-purpose rose fertilizer.
  • Inspect your rose bush and decide how high you want it to grow.

Prune A Knockout Rose Bush

Clean garden tools with alcohol before using. Prune the bush annually to encourage new growth. Inspect your rose bush and decide how high you want it to grow. Prune it to about one-third the desired height by snipping it off with the shears.

  • Feed your KnockOut rose bushes once each month during the growing season with an all-purpose rose fertilizer.
  • Inspect your rose bush and decide how high you want it to grow.

Things Needed

  • Garden hose or watering can
  • All-purpose rose fertilizer
  • Pruning tools
  • Mulch


Protect your KnockOut roses in winter by spreading a 4- to 5-inch layer of mulch around the bush. Don't deadhead the KnockOut rose blooms. The KnockOut rose bush is "self-cleaning" and will drop its spent blooms by itself to rebloom.
