How To Remove Clover From Lawn Grass

While clover does have its advantages, such as trapping beneficial nitrogen and staying green even during times of drought, most people consider clover a weed and will do almost anything to remove it from their lawn. Some household chemicals, such as vinegar, will kill clover but also kill the grass. The only way to effectively remove large quantities of clover from your lawn is to apply a specific broad-leafed herbicide designed to kill clover without harming other grasses.

Step 1

Purchase a clover-specific broad-leaf herbicide. Read the label thoroughly and pick an herbicide that will not harm the majority of grass in your yard. Consult with a garden expert at the plant nursery or home improvement center to select the right herbicide.

Step 2

Follow the manufacturer's directions for mixing the herbicide and fill a yard sprayer with it. Spray it on your yard, especially in areas with clover. Do not spray on a windy day or if rain is predicted in the next 24 hours.

  • While clover does have its advantages, such as trapping beneficial nitrogen and staying green even during times of drought, most people consider clover a weed and will do almost anything to remove it from their lawn.
  • Follow the manufacturer's directions for mixing the herbicide and fill a yard sprayer with it.

Step 3

Wait the number of days that the herbicide manufacturer recommends for the clover to die completely. This can take 10 to 14 days. Rake the yard to remove all of the dead clover. Hand-pull any clover that remains.

Step 4

Fill in the now-empty patches in your lawn with fresh lawn seed. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of organic fertilizer and water thoroughly. Keep your lawn damp, but not soaking, for 21 days.

  • Wait the number of days that the herbicide manufacturer recommends for the clover to die completely.
  • Rake the yard to remove all of the dead clover.

Step 5

Set your lawnmower to between 2 1/2 and 3 inches and mow your new lawn after 21 days of new growth. Keep your lawn mowed and occasionally fertilized with organic fertilizer or a lawn fertilizer high in nitrogen to keep your lawn healthy and prevent new clover from getting started.


Pull out by hand any new clover that you find after treating your lawn for clover.


Keep the herbicide on the clover as much as possible and do not allow it to get on any of your broad-leafed garden plants.

Things Needed

  • Broad-leaf herbicide specific to clover
  • Sprayer
  • Lawn rake
  • Grass seed
  • Organic fertilizer
