How To Grow Pine Trees From Cuttings
There are 35 species of pine trees in the United States, most of them located in the northern regions. Most pine trees range in height from 9 to 150 feet and can live from 100 to 1,000 years. This information is useful in helping you determine a good site in which to plant your pine tree. Fir and pine trees are notoriously difficult to root from cuttings. The Norfolk Island pine is somewhat easier to root than others. Take your cutting in the winter, while the tree is dormant.
Step 1
Fill the planting pot to within 3/4 inch of the rim with potting soil. Water the soil well and allow it to drain completely.
- There are 35 species of pine trees in the United States, most of them located in the northern regions.
- Fill the planting pot to within 3/4 inch of the rim with potting soil.
Step 2
Cut a 6-inch-long branch from the tree. Cut a branch near the base of the tree, from the current year's growth that appears strong and healthy. Make the cut 6 inches from the tip of the branch, not from the trunk of the tree. Remove all needles from the lower half of the cutting.
Step 3
Dip the cut end into rooting hormone, and tap the cutting lightly on the edge of the jar to release any excess hormone.
Step 4
Poke a hole in the soil with your finger or a pencil, and push the hormone-tipped end of the cutting 2 inches into the soil.
Step 5
Cut small holes or slits in a plastic bag, and place the potted cutting into the bag.
- Cut a 6-inch-long branch from the tree.
- Poke a hole in the soil with your finger or a pencil, and push the hormone-tipped end of the cutting 2 inches into the soil.
Step 6
Place the potted cutting in a cool, well-lighted area, out of direct sun.
Step 7
Check the soil daily to make sure it remains moist. The cutting will probably take over one year to root. When you see new growth, you will know that rooting has occurred.
Grow Pine Trees From Cuttings
Pine trees are cone-bearing evergreens that can range in height from 25 to 150 feet. There are more than 100 species of pine trees, which grow all over the United States. If you do not succeed the first time, do not be disappointed and do not hesitate to try again. The cutting must be from a branch that is healthy and disease free. Strip about a third to half of the cutting's needles from the bottom of the stem. Fill a pot with half perlite and half peat. Remove any needles that touch the soil. Keep the rooting medium and cutting moist but not soaked until the cutting takes root. Keep it out of direct sunlight. Rooting can take more than a year for pine trees, so be patient and keep your cutting moist. When it begins to sprout new growth on its own it is ready to be transplanted to a new pot for growing.
- Place the potted cutting in a cool, well-lighted area, out of direct sun.
- When you see new growth, you will know that rooting has occurred.
Things Needed
- Planting pot
- Potting soil
- Sphagnum peat moss
- Hand pruners
- Plastic bag that seals
- Rooting hormone