How To Grow Moringa Oleifera In A Greenhouse

The Moringa oleifera is a perennial tree that can grow up to 35 feet tall but usually grows to around 10 to 15 feet. Popular in many countries, especially the Philippines, the Moringa's leaves are edible and can be used in a variety of dishes or steeped to make teas. The Moringa tree can grow outdoors only in warm, subtropical or tropical regions without "true" winters, but the tree can also thrive in a warm greenhouse.

Step 1

Prepare a planter pot that is about 18 to 24 inches tall and at least 20 inches wide by filling it with rich, all-purpose potting soil. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes in the bottom.

Step 2

Plant the Moringa oleifera seedling into the potting soil enough just to bury the roots. Firm the soil gently around the plant's roots with your hands.

  • The Moringa oleifera is a perennial tree that can grow up to 35 feet tall but usually grows to around 10 to 15 feet.
  • Firm the soil gently around the plant's roots with your hands.

Step 3

Place the Moringa oleifera in bright, direct sunlight, or place 40-watt grow lights above the tree. Ensure that the young tree receives eight to 12 hours of light each day.

Step 4

Water the Moringa lightly each day to moisten the soil evenly. Don't drench the soil so that the roots are sitting in water-soaked soil.

Step 5

Maintain air temperatures in the greenhouse of 80 to 85 degrees F, but no cooler than 70 degrees. The Moringa oleifera will drop its leaves when temperatures drop below 70 degrees.

Step 6

Feed the Moringa tree once each month during the growing season with a liquid plant fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorous, such as an 8-8-0 NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium) fertilizer. Apply the liquid fertilizer at half the normal dosage rate and according to the instructions on the label.

  • Place the Moringa oleifera in bright, direct sunlight, or place 40-watt grow lights above the tree.
  • Feed the Moringa tree once each month during the growing season with a liquid plant fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorous, such as an 8-8-0 NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium) fertilizer.


If you're planting a Moringa oleifera tree from seed, soak the seeds in water overnight and plant them ½-inch deep into the potting soil.


Watch the Moringa oleifera for signs of over-heating or too much hot sun exposure, such as wilting foliage. If the plant appears to become stressed, move it into bright, indirect sunlight.

Things Needed

  • Moringa oleifera seedling or plant
  • Planter pot, 18- to 24-inches tall, 20-inches wide
  • All-purpose potting soil
  • Grow lights (optional)
  • Liquid plant fertilizer
