List Of Flowers That Reseed Themselves
Many gardeners enjoy having the same flowers over and over each year in a certain part of their garden. Perennials are a good choice for these gardeners, but some annuals also will fit the bill without any additional work. Many annual flowers reseed themselves each year, providing the gardener new plants each spring and probably extra seeds to share with neighbors and friends.
Marigolds have a nice compact shape and a sunny bright color, making them a very popular plant for the front of summer flower beds. Don't dig up the plants in the autumn after they die back before harvesting the seed pods. These seeds are at the end of the dried flowers' heads, held in a tight sleeve. Break off the seed pods and shake a few over the ground. Put the rest in an envelope to share with friends, as you will have dozens of seeds for every plant.
- Many gardeners enjoy having the same flowers over and over each year in a certain part of their garden.
- Many annual flowers reseed themselves each year, providing the gardener new plants each spring and probably extra seeds to share with neighbors and friends.
California Poppy
California Poppy
California poppy will bloom in a mixture of sunny colors, from reds to palest yellows. The center of the flower will contain a pod at the end of the year. This pod holds dozens of tiny black seeds. Shake a few of these poppy seeds over your garden right after pulling up the dead flowers at the end of the fall, and smooth the soil over them. You will be rewarded in the spring with an even bigger patch of poppies than the year before.
Morning Glory
Morning Glory
Morning glory is a prolific vine, very popular for growing up fences and on arches. The vines with their glossy heart-shaped leaves can grow up to 10 feet. After the blooms have faded and the vines have died back, there will be round brown seed pods left on the dead vines, each containing a number of brown wedge-shaped seeds. Morning glory is a very good reseeder, often sending its seeds over a large area. Many people remove all of the seed pods before autumn, as morning glory can spread very quickly.
- California poppy will bloom in a mixture of sunny colors, from reds to palest yellows.
- After the blooms have faded and the vines have died back, there will be round brown seed pods left on the dead vines, each containing a number of brown wedge-shaped seeds.