How To Save Wilted Pansies

Pansies are a cool-weather flower, blooming most profusely in spring and fall. They tolerate light-shade and require minimal care during most of the year, yet still they thrive. If your pansies are wilting they may not be receiving the required care they need or they may be suffering from temperatures that are too warm. You often can save the wilted pansies by paying more attention to their needs and altering conditions within your control until they perk up again.

Step 1

Lay a 2- to 4-inch layer of straw mulch over the pansy beds if daytime temperatures are below freezing. Mulching helps prevent the roots from dying, so while the pansies may temporarily wilt they will begin growing again once the temperature warms.

Step 2

Water often enough to keep the pansy bed moist but not soggy. Provide approximately 1 inch of water when temperatures are below 85 F. During periods of warmer temperatures, provide up to 2 inches of water a week to help keep the roots of the pansies cool and combat wilting.

  • Pansies are a cool-weather flower, blooming most profusely in spring and fall.
  • Provide approximately 1 inch of water when temperatures are below 85 F. During periods of warmer temperatures, provide up to 2 inches of water a week to help keep the roots of the pansies cool and combat wilting.

Step 3

Lay a 2-inch layer of bark mulch around the base of the plants in late spring. This maintains cooler soil temperatures in summer while also preserving soil moisture.

Step 4

Deadhead the pansies regularly to prevent them from going to seed and wilting. Pinch off withered blooms and dispose of them. This also keeps the bed looking fresh.

Step 5

Rejuvenate overgrown or leggy pansies by trimming them back. Cut each plant back to one-half its previous height. Pansies will grow back quickly and begin blooming anew.

  • Lay a 2-inch layer of bark mulch around the base of the plants in late spring.
  • Rejuvenate overgrown or leggy pansies by trimming them back.

Step 6

Fertilize during the spring or fall with a general purpose flower fertilizer, following label instructions. Avoid fertilizing in summer as the heat and fertilizer combined may lead to further wilting.


Pansies are technically a biennial, so the plants never survive for more than two years. Most pansies need replanting every year.


Pansies are not prone to many diseases that cause wilting as long as you water them properly and avoid planting them in soggy soil.

Things Needed

  • Straw mulch
  • Bark mulch
  • Garden shears
  • Fertilizer
